Chapter 6

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Seraphina's body jolted when the car stopped. She'd fallen asleep during the journey, and now her neck hurt from the terrible position. Nothing had changed while she was out. Bram was still in his cage that was on Orin's lap. There were still two cars in front of them and three behind. The only difference was that they'd reached the gates of the estate.

As the guards checked the undercarriage of the first two cars, Seraphina looked out the window. This was the main entrance to the royal house and was only ever used by Hawthorn and invited guests. Everyone else had to use the other entrance. It wasn't because they weren't good enough. It was to ensure that no one paid any attention to them.

Entrance to the sanctum and underground labyrinth was gained through a private underground car park at the edge of the nearby town.

The first two cars entered the property, and as the driver slowly approached the gatehouse, he lowered the window. Orin did so as well, and when the guard looked in the window, Seraphina raised one of her cuffed hands and gave the guard a one-finger salute like she had to Hawthorn earlier.

The guard's face twitched as he looked at Seraphina. Struggling between anger and fear, he didn't know what to say or how to react.

"Just clear the car and get on with it." Orin grumped.

Seraphina smiled as the window slid up.

"He's new."

"We're always hiring, and we rotate them into different positions."

She pouted at him, giving Orin large doe eyes.

"Aww, did someone break your trust?"

"I know you think you have a lot of power here, Seraphina but you don't. It is against my better judgement, but I offer this warning because of the past. Don't push your luck with Hawthorn. There is only so much he will endure before he's had enough of you and your sarcasm."

"Accepting your advice is against my better judgement. The last time I listened to you, I almost died, so forgive me when I tell you to stick your advice up your arse."

"Have it your way," he muttered.

The car was cleared, moving into the estate behind the other two. Seraphina leaned her head on the glass, looking at the house. She didn't want to return, and if she knew this was how the night would end, she would have refused the job.

"How did he know where I was?"

"I told you that we have eyes everywhere. We saw you long before you stepped onto the property."

Her eyes rolled upwards. Seraphina couldn't believe that she'd failed so quickly and easily.

"Why did the guards check my mouth for caps?"

"We've had a few issues in various locations with suicide caps on their teeth."

"Am I an issue? Is that what you're calling them now?"

"Them? Yes. You? You're more like a headache."

Seraphina smiled as she turned back to the view.

Beyond the dominating view of the gatehouse were the ornamental gardens. Hedges were kept low, and paths were wide so that nothing could be hidden from the guards that watched everything. Further along the gravel driveway was the sanctum, the home to the royal family or, in this case, the king.

Like the gatehouse and the walls surrounding the estate, the manor house was built with a grey stone that had darkened. In many parts, they were covered in moss. The lush green grounds hadn't changed in the years that Seraphina had been away. Still dripping in moisture, still shrouded in the foggy veil that kept everything cold and dark.

The car stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Emerging from the first two cars, the guards swarmed around them.

Guns were raised, which amused Seraphina.

"Why do you bother with guns?"

Orin sighed.

"Please behave."

"Oh, I will behave provided that I am treated with respect. After all, I am the queen of the vampires."

"Then maybe you should act like one. Trying to kill the king is not the greatest of ideas, you know."

"Says the man who could write a book about killing kings."

Orin watched in dismay as Seraphina got out of the car. Two guards took hold of her arms and began the long walk to her new accommodation. Getting out of the vehicle, Orin held the cage and chased after them.

"Gentlemen, a moment, please."

The group of guards turned to their boss.

"The king wishes to extend the hand of forgiveness to the queen. As such, he has requested that she is placed in the guest room in the north wing."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow at Orin, wondering if it was true or if he finally felt ashamed for his actions. She didn't get a chance to ask. The guards turned and continued through the courtyard and into the entrance hall.

Servants stopped and stared, then quickly remembered their duty. With a bow or a curtsey, they silently welcomed their queen back into the royal house.

Orin walked into the entrance hall and gestured for one of the maids to approach.

"Please find a perch for the bird and deliver it to the queen's chambers. Also, check with her regarding the diet that she'd like for the bird. Ensure that it is delivered when appropriate. The bird must be well cared for."

The maid looked at the raven and then at the guard. With a nod, she quickly left to search for something that could be used as a perch.

Hearing footsteps, Orin turned to see Hawthorn entering the hall.

"I wish to extend the hand of forgiveness?"

"If I have overstepped my boundaries, then I apologise but I believe that to get information out of Seraphina, we have to play nice. She won't like any of us for an extremely long time, but at least if she is comfortable, then we can attempt to lessen it. There was another thought too, and again, I apologise if I am,"

Hawthorn gave Orin a withering look. He cleared his throat, feeling a lot of stress burdening his mind.

"She is your queen. Perhaps it is time to consider creating an heir."

Hawthorn chuckled. He'd never heard anything so funny.

"Orin, we haven't even consummated the marriage. What do you think my chances are now that she's tried to kill me?"

Orin smiled awkwardly. He didn't know if it was too much information that he definitely didn't need to know or if it was an insight into how to approach the future.

"But again, she is your queen. If,"

"I can't dissolve the marriage," Hawthorn interrupted. "Seraphina must remain alive as my wife. If she is dead, then we enter dangerous territory, and that is something that I do not want. Your duty is to ensure that there are guards at her door constantly. Everything that enters that room is to be checked. Be it on your head if something dire happens to Seraphina."

Orin gulped hard as Hawthorn walked away. The grim threat hung in the air for a moment. Then Orin realised that he needed to check the contents of the room. It wasn't like the dungeon where the cells were already prepared for prisoners. A stately chamber full of things that could be used as a weapon was like rolling out the red carpet for her to walk on as she attempted to kill the king again.

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