Chapter 12

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Hawthorn entered the small room that sat next to the main security room. Kohen had set up the feed directly to this room at Hawthorn's request. He didn't want the guards leering at the queen if she happened to undress in view of the camera. The door would be locked, and only Hawthorn and Kohen would view the footage. Kohen would only monitor it briefly to ensure that everything was working correctly. As for Hawthorn's interest, it wasn't to observe Seraphina in a state of undress. He'd rather she was naked in his bed with him. No, he wanted to know what was going on with the bird.

Hawthorn had tried to convince Seraphina to join him, but she declined, and he wasn't going to push any further. He would not beg nor pester. Seraphina understood that their dynamic had to change and requested a few more days together before taking a step forward.

Her reluctance was understandable, but Hawthorn wondered if she expected the government to roll in here and take him down. If that were the case, she obviously wouldn't need to worry about a future with Hawthorn. Seraphina now understood that if the government attacked, she would also be taken down. The Prime Minister knew she was a vampire. He knew that they'd been deceived.


"Not as yet," Kohen replied. "After you left, Seraphina put the bird on the perch and sat at the desk. She's been there ever since."

Hawthorn sighed as he sat down. Seraphina's head tilted slightly as she wrote in the journal. He had no idea what was inside it. When Seraphina requested a journal and a pen, Hawthorn obliged her and ordered one of the maids to find the items. Instructions were given, details were specific, and the price limit was not discussed. The maid returned with the items as well as a few other little things that had been recommended. They were delivered, and Hawthorn hoped that the generosity would not go unnoticed.

"Of course. I'll let you know if I need anything."

With a nod, Kohen walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Okay, let's get the show underway."

The room was far too small, in Hawthorn's opinion. It was probably designed to be a storage cupboard because even the desk was a firm fit.

Hearing a soft cawing, Hawthorn frowned and leaned into the computer. Searching around the desk, he found a pair of headphones and plugged them in. The cawing was loud and made Hawthorn jump.

"I can't help it," Seraphina responded to the bird. "He's being nice."

The raven cawed again.

"I can open the window, and you can leave anytime. You don't need to be here if you don't want to be."

The door opened, and a maid entered, delivering Seraphina's meal. Another followed, holding a box with an unimpressed look on her face.

"Your highness, the gardener has collected a few bugs for your bird."

"Thank you."

Seraphina's dinner was placed on the dining table, and the container of bugs was left near the perch.

"Is there anything else that we can get for you?"

"No, that is all."

With a curtsey, the maids quickly left the room. Seraphina dropped the pen and stood. She walked to the door and locked it. The last meal of the evening had been delivered, and no one would disturb her until the morning.

"Bugs. How gross. I should make you get rid of them."

Seraphina walked to the window, and to Hawthorn's surprise, she opened it and freed the bugs.

"Clearly not what the bird likes then," he muttered.

Shutting the window, Seraphina dumped the empty container on the bed and retrieved a pair of pants from the dressing room. Leaving them on the bed, she turned away from the view.

"Hurry up."

The bird took flight and started to change shape. Feathers filled the air, slowly twirling their way to the floor and the bed. Hawthorn's supreme smile grew as he watched a familiar face pull on a pair of pants.

The muscular figure pulled the zipper up, shaking off the last feathers. Hawthorn marvelled at the revelation. Like his feathers, Bram's hair was a rich black. It was messier than the last time he'd seen the once loyal guard.

"Hello, Bram. It's been a while." Hawthorn whispered.

Hawthorn watched as Bram sat at the table while Seraphina collected the feathers.

"You cannot seriously consider this," Bram muttered. "After all these years."

"What choice do I have?"

"Leave before it's too late."

"I'm not going to argue with you about this. Last night was bad enough."

"Something is wrong, Seph. He knows more than what he's telling you."

Seraphina stood near the fireplace and realised that the feathers were gone. Her heart began to race, wondering if the maid cleared them without thinking about it or if she said something to Hawthorn. Maybe Bram was right.

She turned to face him. Bram looked up and saw the fear. He stopped eating the blue steak.


"Your feathers from yesterday are gone."

Bram lowered the cutlery.

"He knows."

Hawthorn pressed a button on his phone. Kohen answered quickly.

"Yes, my lord?"

"The door is locked, but the queen is dressed. You may enter and apprehend her guest."

"As you wish."

The sound of the door being unlocked didn't escape Seraphina or Bram.

"Go," she whispered.

Bram stood, moving out of the camera's vision. Seraphina opened the window and dumped the feathers outside.


"Yes, my lord."

"Our unannounced guest is currently outside of the camera's vision. Do not be fooled by the open window."

"Of course. Orin has gained access to the room, and you should see him entering now."

Hawthorn smiled as he watched Orin enter the queen's chambers. Guards followed, and soon they were dragging a partially clothed man across the room.

Seraphina tried to intervene, but Orin held her back.

"Don't make this worse than what it already is."

"I want to talk to Hawthorn."

"And I am certain that His Highness would like to talk to you as well. Perhaps you should finish your dinner, and he will visit when he's done talking to an old friend."

"No." Seraphina snapped. "Leave Bram out of this. Let him go."

Orin chuckled, shaking his head.

"You have no power here, my lady."

Turning on his heels, Orin stalked out of the room, locking the door behind him. Seraphina rushed after him, jiggling the handle. When she couldn't open the door, Seraphina turned and leaned on it. Her hands raised to her face as the tears began to form. It was a reaction that Hawthorn did not expect and certainly did not like.

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