Sweet taste

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Knuckles was walking through the town with a bag with baked goods. He was planning to come over to Sonic's house to play video games and eat some snacks with him for the day. He would have bought a couple chilli dogs, but he heard about the new bakery that opened and decided to buy some small cakes. It was also more closer than Meh Burger. He was getting closer to Sonic's shack until he sees Sonic running towards him. "I thought you were going to be waiting?" "I was," Sonic said stopping in front of him, "But then I got bored, so I decided to go for a little run around the island." He kissed Knuckles' cheek and walked inside the house. They have been dating for weeks now, but what it isn't normal about it that they have never had their first kissed yet. Why would anyone be in a relationship if they have never kissed. Cute kisses in the cheek or in the head don't count as their first kiss. It just shows affection. Although, they did try to have one, but they are always interrupted by something. Sticks' outbursts, Eggman's attacks, or probably startled by something out of nowhere. But in hopes of today, they would have their kiss without any interruption.

Sonic sets up the gaming console while Knuckles set up snacks. Sonic notices the cakes on the table and asked Knuckles about it. "A new bakery opened and I thought of buying some of these." He sets them on a large plate and walks over to his spot on the floor to play. After hours of playing, their fingers began to ache and decided to have something to eat. Knuckles grabbed the cakes and gave a piece to Sonic. He grabbed one and began to eat one. As Sonic was eating his, he sees the cake Knuckles was eating and wanted to try a piece. "Can I try one?" Knuckles looked at his piece and shook his head. The piece of the cake he was eating was the only piece that he bought for him. It was much sweeter than the others. The rest of pieces were for both of them, but the one he is eating is just for him. "Please?" Sonic asked again. "No" Knuckles says, "You can have the other ones." "Just a piece!" Sonic pleaded. He shouldn't be acting that way, but better yet, the cake does look good. Knuckles sighed. "So much for paying for my own stuff."
Then again, if he placed half of it in his mouth..... "Genius!" Knuckles thought to himself eagerly. He did as he planned and leaned toward Sonic so that he can get a bite. When he noticed, he was a little disgusted and turned away. "I think I changed my mind." "Whaph?!" Knuckles muffled through the cake. He took out the piece out of his mouth, "You wanted a bite." "You bit it!" Sonic merely shouted. Knuckles pouted and groaned. "Fine. I'll eat the rest of this good cake." Sonic felt annoyed as Knuckles teased him about not eating the piece he was eating. After finishing it, Knuckles had some crumbs and frosting on his lips. Sonic looked and blushed a little to what he was about to do. "He has a little bit of the cake left. Maybe I should try some..."

Sonic pointed to the spot where Knuckles' cake mess is at. "I'll get it." Knuckles says, but before he can wipe his mouth, Sonic place his hand onto his and he leaned closer to him. "I want to try some." Sonic pressed his lips against Knuckles' to get some of the cake. Knuckles thought it was a kiss and tried to kiss back, but then Sonic pulled away. He licked his lips a smiled. "It's sweet." "Oh. Well, I'm glad you liked it." Knuckles said sadly. Sonic was confused. Why would Knuckles be upset all of a sudden. Unless.... He realized what Knuckles thought he was doing and decided to try again. "Uh, you have more in your lips." Knuckles turned away, "I can get it off for you." "I'll do it." Sonic said and pulled him into a kiss. Knuckles was surprised by this, that he was actually having his first kiss with Sonic. He kissed back wrapped his arms around him. After a few seconds, Sonic pulled away, and looked at Knuckles. "The cake was sweet, but you are sweeter."

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