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Sonic sat across from the dance floor while the rest of the people in the gala danced to a slow song that soothes them. He had no one to dance with. He would asked Amy, if she had came to the party instead of going to that trip to visit her Uncle Harley for a few days. He sighed in boredom as he stared at the dancing couples having the time of their lives. Not only Sonic didn't have anyone to dance with, he doesn't know how to dance at all! He turned back to his meal that he was eating, at least some of it. Asparagus with patato salad and sliced brisket. Some dish...

He didn't ate that much, even though he wasn't even that hungry anyways. Sonic adjusted his suit from the wrinkles that formed when he was slumping over. He sat up straight just like Amy taught him. He isn't the one who would use their table manners on occasions like this, but this is a gala after all. I never understand how Amy can eat like this. This is...weird. He is always so used to eating the way he does around his friends, but those windbag proper guests would find it annoying and rude. It annoys him. Across the table sat Knuckles eating his meal and noticing Sonic's loneliness. He knows what he is going through; he also doesn't have anyone to dance with either. Yet, who would dance with him? Nobody would, unless he asks someone himself. He stares at the blue hedgehog across from him as he eats. He seems handsome in that suit. He blushed as he stares at him, but then turns away when Sonic looked. He could ask him to dance, but does he even know how?

He didn't wear anything to the gala. He just came with just sports tape. His usual self. Not that Knuckles doesn't have anything to wear, but he doesn't feel comfortable when he is. He got up and walked over to Sonic. He seemed a bit sweaty, and he doesn't know why. Sonic looked up to see him standing right next to him. "Hey Knux." "Hey," Knuckles replied, "enjoying the party?" "Sort of. A bit bored." Sonic said. He played with his food a bit with his fork. "How can I ask him to dance with me?" Knuckles thought. He gulped nervously and asked, "Do you wanna dance with me?" He waited until Sonic could answer in a rude manner, but instead Sonic answers, "Do you know how to?" Without thinking, Knuckles replied, "A little." Sonic thought for a moment and stood up in front of him. "Yeah, sure." he responded and walked to the dance floor with him. The song seemed romantic and soothing for them to slow dance. But it is also nice. Knuckles held Sonic's hand on one hand, and his hip on the other. Sonic blushed as Knuckles held him from there and began to dance. They dance to the slow rhythm to the song playing. "You're a natural Sonic." Knuckles complimented as he danced. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself." Sonic replied. He placed his head on the echidna's chest as he flushed in red. This is so...nice.

Knuckles blushed when he felt the light weight of the hedgehog's head on him. This isn't half bad. They danced until the whole song was over and they were getting ready to leave. They walked along through town to where they are a few yards away from Sonic's shack. "That was fun." Sonic said. "Yeah it was. I had a great time." Knuckles replied. Before Sonic could go in his house, he turned to Knuckles. "I just wanted to say thanks for dancing with me back at the party." Sonic says? Knuckles chuckled, "Yeah. No problem." Sonic leaned in kisses Knuckles on his cheek before he left. Knuckles blushed and felt his own cheek where Sonic kissed. "Wow." he says to himself and walks away. In the shack, Sonic took off his jacket and placed it somewhere on the table. He layed on his hammock and sighed. The thought of Knuckles dancing with him made his face red. It was nice. It was sweet. "That was...romantic."

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