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This has been inspired by a scene from Steven Universe, "Jailbreak", where Ruby and Sapphire reunite together. Enjoy! ^^

Knuckles rushed back and forth around the enemy base, not caring of he would run into the enemy. He looked around everywhere in the halls. His only thought was to find him. Find him, and escape. But what distracted him from his mind was the memory of when the enemy captured them both and seperated them from his friends, and from each other. What have they done with him? Did they hurt him? Torture him?! Maybe worse.... After hours of searching, he could not find him. Knuckles took one big breath and cries out, "SONIC!". No answer. He darted foward again, and continues his search.

Sonic's right ear twitched to the sound of his own name. "Knuckles?" He ran at high-speed, and dashed through the paths of the dark hallway. He was also looking for Knuckles after he broke out of his cell. He wants to be with him again, and escape the horrid place. Right when he was about to pass the opening main hall, he sees Knuckles, and Knuckles sees him. "Knuckles!"

They both ran for each and locked to an embrace. The red echidna's bulky arms surrounding Sonic's thin body. They pulled away, and looked at each other. "Did they hurt you?" Knuckles asked concernly, wanting to make sure that he is okay. Sonic shooked his head in response, "No, no, I'm okay. Did they hurt you?" Knuckles was in tears, "Who cares?!" "I do!" Sonic placed a kiss  on Knuckles' face, wiping his eyes. The red echidna picked him up and began twirling him around in a fit of joy, as they both laugh in happiness.

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