A step further part 1

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Warning: Mature content, sexual refrences

"Knux, stop. Someone is going to see us. Hehe." Sonic giggled as Knuckles planted kisses along his neck. The blue hedgehog was trying to get off the wall he was pinned to, but Knuckles wouldn't let him. "Oh, come on, we're in an alleyway. No one is going to see us." He presses his lips against Sonic's and kisses him. He kissed back, and wrapped his arms around him. Their moment ended when Sonic's communicator rang. It was Amy. Sonic realized that he and Knuckles forgot that they were supposed to have lunch with the girls. Sonic answers the call.

"Hello?" "Sonic? Where are you?" Amy asks with an impatient tone. "Me and Knuckles are in an alleyway." Sonic answered. "Doing what?" Sonic and Knuckles looked at each and began laugh. When they were done, Sonic answered, "We were doing something." "Well we are waiting for you at the beach. The food is getting cold." Amy says and hung up. "Well someone's not happy." Knuckles says, making Sonic laugh "C'mon Knux, let's go."

Amy and Sticks were waiting by the beach with their lunch set up. As they were about to eat, Sonic and Knuckles came just in time. "Where were you guys?" Amy asks. "Just out for a walk." Sonic says. Knuckles snickered, you liar... They sat down and began to eat. "By the way, where's Tails?" "He has trouble with his plane. So he said that he wouldn't make it to lunch." Amy says, "Any who, have you guys seen the movie, 'Love never dies'?" "Nope." Knuckles said straightforward while eating his sandwich. Amy cleared her throat and began, "It's about this couple who met at a dance, and decided to go out with each other. When the girl got sick and was rushed for treatment, throughout the movie, the guy was remembering all their times together. Especially their lovemaking scene." "You mean sex scene?" Sonic corrected her. "Yes, Sonic. I just don't feel like saying the word." Amy says sarcastically.

Knuckles asks, "What's wrong with sex?" "Knuckles, you don't even know the first thing about it." Amy insulted, "it's an important moment in a relationship that strengthens their bond during marriage, or before since a lot of couples do it." "Really?" Sonic asks. That he didn't know. "That's what some people say." Amy says shrugging. Sonic tried to shake it off of his mind, but the thought was still with him. Why does it suddenly bother him. "I bet it's not huge deal." Knuckles saysn but Sticks stood up and added, "I bet it is. If Amy says it strengthens their bond, then it must be." Thanks to Sticks's thought, it made Sonic feel worse. How come he and Knuckles never thought about having sex? Maybe it isn't the right time. Maybe they haven't thought of it at first. Or maybe they never thought at least trying. But the real question is: 'How will it affect their relationship?' "Sonic, are you okay?" Amy asks. Sonic didn't realized that he had been quiet for the past ten minutes. Sonic stood up and says "Oh yeah, I just remembered that I have a doctor's appointment today. Later", and zoomed off. Amy and the rest were puzzled to Sonic's sudden reaction.

"I didn't know Sonic has an appointment." Sticks said, scratching her head. Knuckles doesn't believe him. There's definitely something wrong, and he wanted to know what.


Sonic stopped by a near by tree in the forest near the east of where the village is at. He would never hide in places like this, but he has no where to go. He sat under tree and began to clear his mind. Clearing what he just heard back at the beach.

"What's wrong with sex?"

"It's an important moment in a relationship that strengthens their bond"

"I bet it's not huge deal."

"I bet it is. If Amy says it strengthens their bond, then it must be."

"Sonic?" Sonic jumped to the sound of Knuckles's voice behind him. He stood up and pretended to rub dirt off of his legs. "Oh hey Knux. What are you doing here?" "Nothing, just walking around. What about you? How's the doctor?" Sonic's hairs stood up the minute he asked. Shoot... "Uh, good." Without any warning, Knuckles pulled Sonic close and kissed him. "He probably wants to make out again." He thought, and kissed back. Something didn't feel right though. After a few short seconds, Knuckles started kissing him a little more roughly, and picked him off of the ground. Sonic held onto him only because he was afraid to fall off, not for the sexual tension. Knuckles pinned him to the tree behind him and pressed his body against his.

"What am I doing?! What is he doing?!" Sonic began to panic. "No, stop!" His heart raced, and he needs to get him off. He tried talking, but he couldn't because of their kissing. "Knux....wait." Knuckles pulled away, and whispered out, "You didn't had an appointment with anyone, did you?" "Knuckles, put me down, now!" "Did you?!" Knuckles asked again more seriously. Sonic only stared at him with guilt. No he didn't. He placed Sonic on his feet, and apologize for the sudden actions. "What has been bothering you? I wanna know." Sonic didn't say a word, but if he doesn't say anything, it will keep Knuckles wondering, and it will still bother him.

"It's w-what we talked about earlier today." Sonic hinted. Knuckles thought for a moment. "The movie?" "No, sex!" Sonic corrected him. "You're so unbelievable." "Why is it bothering you?" He asks. Sonic shrugged, "I don't know. Have you ever thought about actually having sex?" "Well, why are you thinking about it?" Knuckles asked. The only thing Sonic can think of was, "Because it just came to me." They both stood silent. Neither couldn't think of anything else to say. "I'll leave you alone. If you wanna talk to me, I'll be at the village." Knuckles said, breaking the silence. He walked away, giving Sonic the space, to think again.

He doesn't know what to do. Should they? Or they shouldn't? Either way, they both don't lead to a specific answer. Maybe he should just forget about it; tell him that it has been a misunderstanding. But how can it be a misunderstanding, when Knuckles is thinking about it too? He sat near a lake and stared at his own reflection, thinking to his ownself. "I wish I could tell you too, but then we both know what the answer would be."

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