Naughty Sonic

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Tails was collecting rapsberries for Amy and her new pie recipe she has been planning to make all week, and all she needed are the raspberries. She has been talking about it ever since she came up with the idea, and he wanted help her out. Sonic, Knuckles and Sticks have been planning to do something else while Amy was at it, notvthat they don't want to help, but thinking that Amy can handle it. He spent almost an hour picking. Tails have to get the "just right" berries in order to please her. Otherwise, she'll have to send him back. When he was just about done, he heard a sound of ruffle noises, and laughing coming from the bushes behind him. More like giggling from his perspective. It sounded like it came from Knuckles, but why is he here around this area? He should be doing his late workout sessions by now. No way he could be here. As he came closer, he also heard small kisses coming from there. What is going on? "Uh, hello?" he called out, and as soon as he did, the noise stops. There was complete silence after that. Who is hiding in those bushes? Tails grew nervous. He walked over to the bushes and looked over to see what was it. Unfortunately, no one was there.

He mentally shook himself out of his thoughts and left. "I must be hearing things. Maybe I should listen to Amy when she says not to spend all that time in the workshop. I work on my plane way too much." Tails thought to himself as he walked. Over by the bushes, Sonic sticks his head out to see if the person who was there left. Luckily he or she did before he was discovered. "You really need to keep it down, Knux." "I can't help it." Knuckles said giggling. Sonic looked around again as he was on top of Knuckles who looked like as if he was happy and bashed at the same time. His face was pure red and looked a bit sweaty from whatever they have been doing. His dreadlocks seemed to be messed up and frizzy. This hasn't been the first make out session. They have been together for a very long time ever since Knuckles admitted his feelings for Sonic before he left for a visit to his family reunion for a few weeks. He had been hiding them forever and couldn't take much more of it.

"We almost got caught because of you." He snickered. "Well if you haven't pinned me down over there and started to, hehehehe!" Knuckles giggled as he thought about the way Sonic was having a little "fun" with him. "Don't rub it in, Knux. I was just starting." Sonic smirked and pressed his lips against Knuckles' and leaned him down onto the ground. Knuckles can feel his face getting warmer as his boyfriend moved towards his neck, as Sonic's kisses made him tingle all over his body. This is going to be a long afternoon.

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