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Sonic flopped down on the couch of Tails' house in exhaustion. The battle with Eggman's Obliteratorbot 2.0 took longer than anticipated, but all he needed is rest right now. "You're not tired Tails?" Sonic managed groaned out. Tails came in through the door and grabbed his wrench on the counter. "Not really. I was lucky to only destroy the beebots." "Yeah, lucky." Sonic layed down of his back against the cushions of the couch. "I'm gonna go and do some modifications on my plane." Tails said and walked out of the door.

The house was quiet. Too quiet. But then a sudden knock broke the silence and Sonic stuck his head up to find out who it is. "Who is it?" "The guy who knows how to love you." Sonic chuckles as he walks to the door and opens for the red echidna he fell in love with. "Hey Knux." "Hey Sonic! What's up?" Knuckles asked as he sat on the couch. Sonic sat next him and placed his head on Knuckles' shoulder. "Tired. I have been fighting Eggman's new robot for like two hours." "A fight like that never takes that long. Is it like powerful?" Knuckles asked, curious about the robot. Sonic nodded, "Yeah, and my whole body aches."

Knuckles thought for a moment. How can he make his own boyfriend feel better? He came with an idea and smirked. Knuckles began kissing Sonic's cheek and made him lie on his back. He moved down to his neck leaving Sonic puzzled. "What are you doing?" "Just relax, Sonic." Knuckles whispered out. Sonic's face turned pure red when he felt his kisses trail down to his chest and his stomach. "K-Knux..." Sonic whispered out, but his emotions took over him. He moaned when he feels small pecks on his abdomen. As Knuckles trailed his kisses back up, he began to purr when he reached his neck. "Feel better now?" he asked seductively. "Oh yeah." Sonic said with his face flustered. He wrapped his arms around Knuckles and kissed him deeply. This feels like paradise.

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