A step further part 2

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Warning: Sexual content

Amy packs her last dress as she fills up her luggage with other personal needs. She was very excited to go on that trip to the Fuzzy Puppy convention at the other side of the island. If it wasn't for Eggman mentioning it at their last battle, she wouldn't have known. A knock was heard by the door, and it caught Amy's attention. "Come in." She says. Sonic and Knuckles came in through the door, not looking energetic as they should be. "Hey Amy." Sonic said waving his hand. Amy expected more enthusiasm in his voice. She doesn't bother to ask, not because she doesn't care, but because she got no time to lose. "Please don't make a mess here. I might come home by tomorrow noon, so you may want to spend the night here. If you are gonna use the bedroom, don't mess it up! You can leave by tomorrow morning or until come back. Well, I gotta go. Bye."

She exits the house and closed the door. Everything became silent after the click of the door closing. Sonic and Knuckles were silent as well. Sonic went to sit at the couch without saying a word. He doesn't want isolate himself from his boyfriend, but after everything that happened, he just doesn't know what to do. Knuckles sat right next to him and picked up the TV remote. "Hey, uh, you wanna watch something?" He asks, trying to break the silence. Sonic nodded, "Yeah, sure." Knuckles turned on the TV. The first thing they see was Comedy Chimp's talk show. After a few jokes of his, both of them only chuckled a bit. It wasn't really that funny anyways.

Night time came, and they both just watched television. The only difference is that a movie was showing on the screen. They didn't really pay attention to the movie because they were so focused on their thoughts, about it. Sonic felt a little terrible leaving the red echidna like that like that. He scooted next to him and rested his head on his lower shoulder. When he noticed, he wrapped an arm Sonic, and kissed his head. "Listen, I don't want you to think about it to much. I just want it to affect all of you." Sonic stayed quiet. He doesn't have anything to say right now. Not at the very moment at least. He stood up from the couch and said, "I need some space for a few minutes." He walked off leaving Knuckles at the couch. He went to the door of the bedroom, but didn't open it. He relaxed his back onto it, and took deep breathes.

He's becoming desperate now. It is taking over him. "Sonic?" Knuckles looked through the dark until he sees him. He walked up to him and asked, "What's wrong?" Sonic buried his face into his chest and almost started sobbing. Knuckles heard his sniffles and looked at him. All he saw was small tears in the blue hedgehog's eyes. "I'm sorry..." Sonic said. Knuckles didn't say anything. He knows for a fact that it is not his fault. He wiped the tears from his eyes and stared at him.

He felt something burning inside him. Not of guilt or emotional pain, but of lust. He brought Sonic close and kissed him. Eventually, Sonic kissed back, and wrapped his arms around him. Just like before, Knuckles picked him off the ground and kissed him more roughly. Sonic didn't panicked this time. He became rough as well, and wrapped his legs around the echidna's waist. Knuckles pinned him by the door behind Sonic, and without thinking, he pressed his lower waistline against Sonic's. Sonic panted, but they can't do it here. "Let's do it in the bedroom." He finally says. Knuckles nodded and set him down.

Sonic opened the door, but continued to kiss when they walked in. Knuckles closed the door, and layed Sonic on the bed. He pulled away from the kiss, and began pecking his neck. He breathed heavily, making his heart beat fast. "Am I really doing this?" He thought to himself as he got into position. Sonic wrapped his arms around him. He felt so vulnerable, but not in the way he have always felt when they kiss; but in a way that makes him feel excited and nervous inside and out. Yet, he also felt so needy. Needy for Knuckles to take him already. Thoughts and emotions raced through his head, and it was a matter of time until he felt something thrust in him.

Sonic gasped and panted heavily as the movement continued. Knuckles held Sonic's hand as he kept going. He never done anything like this before, but he hopes that he isn't hurting Sonic at any point. All he could hear is his breathing. The blue hedgehog shivered in deep pleasure. It just feels so good. He wanted more of it. Sonic held Knuckles's hand tighter as he tries to contain his emotions. The red echidna thrusted a little harder as he whisper out, "Moan for me." Sonic moaned out as he was clenching onto the pillow he was resting on. Knuckles's heart raced, and he breathed heavily."I'm actually having sex...with Sonic? Oh gosh...I never felt so fragile."

Sonic breathed more slower, but still wants to enjoy every moment. "So, this is how it feels like? It feels so nice." He moved closer to Knuckles as he slowed down. He is exhausted. He looked at Sonic, and glared at those emerald eyes. "Was I too rough?" Knuckles asked quietly. Sonic only shook his head, and kissed him. All he wants is to spend his moments with him. Nothing else. Knuckles kisses Sonic's neck before he could finally finish. He crawled off, and grabbed the blankets to cover him and Sonic. He faced him with a soft look. "Well, that was something." He said awkwardly. Sonic chuckled softly and blushed. "Yeah. I guess." Knuckles wrapped his arm around him, and brought him close. "I-I love you." he says softly. Sonic smiled, "I love you too."

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