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Warning: Sexual Content

Sonic and Knuckles were at Amy's house. Amy is with Sticks at Meh Burger doing what both guys call "Girl's night out". The only reason why they are at her house is because they were actually hanging out with Amy and Tails earlier. They were talking about what they usually conversate about; Dr. Eggman, their plans for the weekend, the usual. That's when the doctor decided to interrupt their afternoon. It was a hard fight. New robots came about, getting stronger and stronger every time Eggman wanted to battle. But like usual, Sonic and his team manage to claim victory over and him, and hear the same phrase after every defeat. When Knuckles brought up the idea of going back to Amy's house, that's when she said, "I promised Sticks I would take her out to the movies tonight. She is expecting me in ten minutes so that we can get a bite to eat before we go. You guys can stay over, but don't create a mess like what you did to the monkeys last time!"
That was an hour earlier. When they got there, the two lovers watched a bit of television, pull off a few stunts around the house, and then snuggled together on the couch.

They are watching the new episode of the Comedy Chimp show where he interview Tommy Thunder about how he was involved guest starring in another tv show they know nothing about. Sonic was exhausted from the fight from before. He never fought that hard in his life. Usually it is almost too easy to beat Dr. Eggman every time, but now that he is creating new robots, they are getting tougher and tougher as they come. Knuckles wasn't too bothered by it though. He is a strong guy, and if anyone can take down a giant robot, it's him. There were times where he wanted to lay on the ground and never get back up, but it rarely happens. Sonic began kissing the red echidna's shoulder, giving out the message that he is suddenly bored. "You do realize that's my shoulder, right?" "Oh I'm sorry, where are your lips again?" Knuckles leaned close, and says, "they're right here, nimrod," and kisses Sonic's lips softly. The blue hedgehog then began moving towards him, as he pulls him closer. It was then that he was able to sit on Knuckles's lap, and proceed with the make out session. Sonic wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck, and pulls himself closer to the red echidna. He then sticks a little bit of his tongue out, wanting an entrance of his mouth. "Whoa, things are getting steamy, aren't they?" Knuckles says soothingly. "Yeah, and I want you. I want it, now." Sonic whispered. Although he wants to have sex with Knuckles, his body aches; but he does want to have fun tonight.

"You wanna take this to the bedroom?" "Yes" Sonic got off of his lap so that Knuckles can get up. The red echidna traced his hands towards the hedgehog's legs, and picks him right up. For some reason, Sonic began nibbling on Knuckles's neck. "Uh, Sonic? Unless you are trying to eat my flesh, that's not how to leave a hickey." He then notices that Sonic groaned. He hasn't even taken him yet, what's wrong? Knuckles opened the door to the bedroom, and laid him on the bed with him on top. "What's wrong with you? You okay?" He asks, worried. Sonic groaned again. One minute, he was in his adrenaline rush for a good time, and then next he's worn out like an aftermath of a sugar rush. "I'm so exhausted. That fight was tough, and my body aches." Knuckles felt sympathetic. He feels his limp body under him still. It was probably bothering him this whole time and he didn't know. He then came up with an idea,an idea that will help Sonic, and for them to have sex. Knuckles finally replies, "Well I can help you that." "How?" "Well first, you need clear your mind." "Clear my mind?" Sonic asks. "Then, let your body loose, it's better when it's loosened." "Loose my body?" Sonic was puzzled by the things he is saying at the moment. Knuckles adjusts himself, and says smoothly, "Just relax and enjoy." Sonic finally got what the red echidna said and breathed in deeply. His body became limp, and his mind started to clear. All he could sense is the echidna's body on top of him.

Knuckles begin kissing down his body, from his neck to his chest. He decided to get a little lower from his waist. Something came into mind as he did that. Somethind odd... "I've always wondered if you could use your mouth for this. It sounds gross, but other people liked it. So it can't be that bad." Sonic felt tensed, but then jumps when he felt something warm and damp right in between his legs. "Ah! Knux! What-?" He tried keeping his moans down. If he moans loudly, he's afraid someone might hear him. "What the heck is he doing?! It feels...wet." Sonic pants. He never felt his tongue down there before, he's probably just teasing him for a bit. Knuckles muffled, as he felt a small splash in his mouth. He moved back up to where he was faced with his partner again. "What were you doing?" Sonic asked. "Something new, I think." He pecked his nose, almost forgetting where that mouth has been. "You taste a little salty. Do you still want it?" Sonic nods. Knuckles then positions himself, and it caught Sonic by surprise, "Oh! Hahh..." When he was ready, he finally began to thrust slowly and gently.

Sonic was breathing heavily. He started to feel relaxed, and all he could think about is the pleasure he is feeling. "Oh..." He bit his lower lip, and clenched on the pillow he is resting on. Knuckles began to go a little faster, and hears Sonic breathing softly. Small pants soon became soft moans. Sonic was enjoying every moment, he feels so calm. "Ah, Knuckles...." He suddenly want things to get more exciting for him. He went a little harder, but where it's still soft. Sonic moaned louder, and clenched his hand tighter. "You like that?" Knuckles whispered in his ear. The blue hedgehog nodded, "Yes! Yes." He wrapped his arms around him, wanting more of him, wanting him to keep going. Knuckles moaned quietly to himself. It felt so good, he couldn't keep his moans to himself. He began kissing his partner's neck before slowing down at last. It lasted for a little while, but it was enough to satisfy them both. They both looked into each other's eyes, and smiled. "Thanks Knux. That really helped." "Anything for you." Knuckles kisses Sonic one more time before going to bed, as a second way of saying 'you're welcome'.

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