Chapter 1

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" Hey" The middle aged man next to me drunkenly whispered, his old wrinkled mouth super glued to a can of beer. I looked him up and down. It was obvious that the pint plastered to his right hand, was in no way his first. In fact, he looked as if before entering the bar he was hit by a car, tumbled into some brambles and laid there for a good four hours absorbing fecal matter left by some Yorkshire terrier.

I mean, What an actual loser. What sort of middle aged man pries on a girl at least thirty years younger. He's got to be at least 50, and he's praying on an innocent girl such as myself, is every man in this town a creep? Clocking every drunkard on my left side, I settled with a simple yes to my rhetorical question.

Cool breath echoed around my neck, the smell of minty toothpaste following it like a shadow.
" Hello." His voice was smooth. I swivelled around, a tall stranger stood before me. Curly black hair framed his high cheek-boned face. Awe struck, I only managed to open my mouth and mime some incoherent nonsense, he smiled. The corners of his lips edged further towards his cheeks. "You're not a mute are you?" He jokingly said. "No, I'm afraid not, in fact, quite the opposite." I replied in-between sips of water. " Well that's a relief, I was worried I wasn't going to hear your voice." "Why's that?" " A face as beautiful as yours must have a voice just as fitting." "How's that pick up line been going for you?" " You tell me, this is the first time using it." "That explains why you thought it would work." He laughed. As he did so, he revealed a grin. Taking a swig of his larger, he softly looked at me. Upon this, I noticed the swirl of colours encaptured in his astounding eyes. Flecks of viridian and dots of yellow danced upon his iris. He noticed me staring and offered a smile.

" Do you have a job?" The handsome stranger asked, placing his pint on the coaster.
" Well, I've nearly finished college, but I'm doing some part time waitressing." It was a lie of course. It wasn't as if it would matter, I would never see this man again, I was over the legal age of consent, I suppose it just made it easier to remain anonymous. " I'm into drama myself" he happily added before standing up and edging his bar stool closer to mine. I could see where this is going. "Will you allow me to buy you a drink?" He politely asked. "A water please." "That's not very dangerous." "It's best to play it safe, is that an issue for you?" I sarcastically mocked, giggling at his equally sarcastic facial expressions. Calling the barman over, the stranger ordered a round of vodka shots. "I asked for water, not a hangover." I said before downing one of the shots. fidgeting as it stung the back of my throat, this garnered a laugh from the kindly gentleman. "It's not funny, unlike you, I'm not an alcoholic. I don't do this on a regular basis." "Are you saying meeting me is a special occasion?" "I'm saying getting free drinks is a special occasion." Laughing, he grabbed two more shots, and handed me one. Raising his, he made a toast.

"To free drinks."

"To free drinks." I agreed as we clashed the glass together.

Within three hours of meeting we were making out in the car park. His large hands underneath the back of my shirt, fumbling with my bra straps, eagerly trying to undo them. Breathing heavily in-between kissing, I gently pushed him off, giving us enough time to catch our breathes. "Do you want to go back to my apartment, I'm sure my roommate won't mind." He panted. Running his hands through his mess of curly black hair. "I'm not having sex in the presence of your roommate." I stated, the smile gone from my red lips. "Then where?" He asked. An idea sprung into my mind, looking back to the bar a few metres away. His eyes following mine quickly caught on. "Hah," He laughed. "You lead the way." He motioned to the bar, ushering my entry. flicking my hair over my shoulder, I strode through the door and into the toilets, my tall stranger following.

Drama class- benedict cumberbatch highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now