chapter 8-26 days

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authors note- does anyone want to feature in this story? if you do just comment your name, gender, hair colour, eye colour and something about your personality. thanks in advance

I paced the hallways of the school, my mind was focused on Benedict, i knew someone else was going to find out, it was practically inevitable.
"marley!!' a friend of mine called, " hey Toby." i smiled, saying hi to the older boy. Toby was 6ft 2, his hair was slightly wavy and his brown locks were swept over to one side, . " did you hear about Mr Cumberbatch? apparently he hit a girl with his car." Toby said, his blue eyes screaming with gossip. " i was there," i replied before leaving, i ran into many people in the hallway, some small 'man' named Blanchard, whom despite his small stature was actually a teaching assistant , was gossiping about the car accident to other teachers. Everyone bullied Mr Blanchard, they mocked him because of his religion, i felt almost sorry for him, people created vicious rumours about him posessing child pornography and he nearly got arrested. It only made me wonder what would happen if anyone found out about me and Benedict.
i looked at my timetable and smiled, i had drama next to close up the school day.
Mr Cumberbatch nodded as i walked into class, as usual i was late, but unsuspectedly i was reprimanded. " Dont be late, the class and i dont enjoy waiting." and he gave me an afterschool detention. the lesson seemed to fly past, and i stayed behind once it had finished. i knew what we were doing was wrong, yet it felt so right.

"you should really be getting home Marley, your parents will worry." Benedict said while steadily walking towards me, I could smell his cologne already. " you're probably right, it is rather dangerous being all alone with a stranger." I said as I walked towards Benedict, smirking as we got closer. " I would hardly describe myself as a stranger," He smiled, running his hands through my dirty blonde hair, his soft fingers gently massaging my scalp as he leaned in for a passionate kiss. For a minute or two we stood there just making out, my body became all tingly as his tongue entered my mouth, I could hear and see the fireworks. We stopped kissing briefly and stared into each others eyes, only millimetres away from each other, our eyelashes nearly touching, my soft green eyes locking with his stormy yet amber eyes. I looked down at his soft lips, eager to collide into them in a hot intense moment of passion. once again we kissed, the fireworks went off and his hands went down to my rear. Ever so slightly fondling me with his left hand whilst with his right hand he supported my rosy face.

The sound of the song 'Stayin alive' abruptly broke the sexual tension, Benedict looked somewhat surprised and started fumbling with his phone. I stood awkwardly, waiting for Benedict to sort the phone call out, instead of declining the call, he accepted.

" Hello Phoebe, right now isn't a good time, yeah I know, wait what! Pandora escaped! I'm sure she'll be fine. It's too light for cars to hit her, she's a brave pup, don't worry, ok, bye, love you." he hung up. I looked at him, not a word was said, it was just a moment of absolute tranquillity. " I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I said calmly, though I was filled with anger and rage. " fiancé technically." I looked into his eyes intently and half smiled, " I understand," I uttered and grabbed my rucksack from the floor and put it on my back. before he could apologise I ran out of the room not turning back. As I reached the outskirts of the school I broke down into hysterics. I head the loud noise of running from a while away and quickly wiped my tears away, it was Benedict, he looked nervous, " I think we should talk privately in my office."

Drama class- benedict cumberbatch highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now