Chapter 2- 35 days

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"well take your seat please."

Mr Cumberbatch said, his magnificent blue eyes reflected the light from the sun, and in that moment it reflected into mine.

Slowly burning my retinas.
"Fuck!" I yelled, rubbing my eyes angrily, blue and purple dots blocked my vision. My black mascara now smudged around my eyes like a fan of My Chemical Romance or some emo band.

"Can you please refrain from using such profanities in my classroom," Cumberbatch moaned from the opposite end of the classroom.
His curly black hair tucked behind one of his ears. Slowly, he moved his face towards me, his cat shaped eyes looking up at me as I sat down.

"Sorry sir," I politely said , pulling a copy of Romeo and Juliet from my Jack Wills bag. My year was studying Romeo and Juliet for our GCSE's, so Mr Drake- our previous drama teacher- thought it a magnificent idea to make that our annual play. I'm fine with Shakespeare, as an English nerd I should be ecstatic. Yet, acting opposite a known satanist and sociopath like Damien, kinda put me off the whole play idea.

No one pictures Romeo as Damien, Damien being this creepy little emo kid in some of my lessons, he literally has the word Satan carved on his arm, which is seriously weird as hell.

Like I try not to judge, I honestly try ,but I can't help but judge him.

He has long black hair and he is pale as snow, he has a nastily voice so when he recites his lines it seems so out of place.
Like if he wasn't playing Romeo it would be fine. Have him play Friar Lawrence or whatever, but Romeo? Please, Romeo has to be a good looking, daring young man. Like my friend Alistair. The epitome of gorgeous.

I just beg that Cumberbatch recasts the play, being him new and all. I'm sure I can convince him to completely forget about our little excursion given time. Of course it will make it difficult to get a passing grade in drama, oh well, beggars can't be choosers.

"Due to Mr Savis unfortunately leaving, I have made the decision to recast the play, this is only because I don't know any of you and would like to cast who I think fits the role." Mr Cumberbatch said, his chocolatey voice practically dripping from his kissable lips.

Fuck yeah bitches.
I better be cast as the nurse, she's sassy and all around the best character. And she doesn't need to kiss some satanist.

"auditions will be after school in the old hall."

Cumberbatch informed as he began to mark coursework, " so what are we meant to be doing?" I quietly whispered to the girl next to me, she pointed towards the board which had the instructions scribbled on.

"Thanks Janice," I replied as I got to work.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I swizzle do my head around to be met with Mr Cumberbatch's sexy electric eyes, " Can I have a word with you please. Outside."

He asked before walking towards the exit and leaving the class alone, I quickly got up from my chair and hurriedly speed walked to the door.

As I opened the wooden door I was greeted by Mr Cumberbatch, whom was frowning unpleasantly.
" you told me you were finishing college," he angrily yelled, grabbing my wrist.

"You never mentioned you were a teacher!" I retorted even more angrily, " well it wasn't bloody relevant!"

"technically you never asked my age,"

"technically you said you were in FUCKING college! Do you not understand the trouble I could face?"

He furiously whispered, letting go off my small wrists.

Our faces about a foot a way from another, I took the bold move of stepping almost a foot closer; our noses almost touching.

"I have no recollection of any of the events you mentioned," I calmly said looking him dead in the eye.
" your right, I don't know what came over me, I remember nothing of that night, what night?"
He said quickly, before blushing and looking away, he reached out his arm and gestures towards the door.
I whipped my shoulder length Bob and walked out into the classroom, leaving him too slowly walk in, his cheeks no longer red with embarrassment.
All the sexual tension gone.

Well no.

Well kinda.


Drama class- benedict cumberbatch highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now