Chapter 3- 33 days

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It was the middle of break and the only thing on my mind, was how I was going to manage another 11 months of school.
It was bad enough before, but now that I had fucked my drama teacher-unknowingly at the time.
My life was officially over!
" have you had the new drama teacher yet?" A girl with bright yellow hair and black roots sat down next to me, Chloe.
An annoying girl from the year below, who happened to be the little sister of one of my close friends.
" Fuck off Chloe, and if you see Louise point her in my direction." I moaned, shooing the year 10 away.
Usually I would feel bad about being so rude towards the younger sister of my friend, but honestly the amount of fucks I give have literally flown out of the window.
Within 5 minutes Louise sat down next to me, " my sister is in love with the new drama teacher," she distractedly said, her fingers rapidly texting away on her iPhone.
" yeah she mentioned it," I half heartedly said, my eyes also plastered on my phone screen.
" well tell your dad to stop hiring hot teachers, it's very distracting."
Louise laughed, putting her phone in her blazer pocket in the process.
" in the rare event I'm sent to the headmasters office, I'll make sure to argue the case," I replied.
Oh yeah, by the way, I probably should've mentioned that my father is the head teacher...yeah.
" nice hair," I giggled, gesturing to Louise's bright blue hair that was previously ginger, " trying something different I take it?" I jested.
" Imogen's already beat you to it," Louise  sarcastically said.
Imogen was this attention seeking whorish little bi-otch, she fancied herself queen bee, but the painful reality was that no one really liked her.
" she hasn't said anything has she?" I strictly asked, my face becoming concerned.
Louise hesitated slightly before she answered, " well..." She began, but before she could finish I had already stood up and had begun marching towards Imogen.
" are you dissing my friend?" I angrily questioned,
" this isn't a public school, no need for fights." She calmly said ,her posh accent growing even more irritating with each syllable she said.
" well frankly milady, I do not care," I said before walking straight up to her face and punching her in the nose.
Everyone huddled around us, eager to watch the brewing fight, viciously chanting "fight, fight, fight."
"Stop" the circle quickly broke, students scattering, but staying close enough to hear the penalty. " what an earth is going on in here!" My father yelled, before noting that I was indeed involved in this malicious behaviour.
" MARLEY, IMOGEN, MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY !!!" He screamed before walking away, me and Imogen followed obediently.
Two chairs were seated in front of my fathers desk, he impatiently pulled them out, allowing me and my rival to take a seat.
He stalked over towards the door where he changed the status to 'engaged'.
" what on earth provoked such primitive behaviour?" He sharply asked, before pulling out his awesome blue chair, that spins.
" I was just minding my own business, when out of nowhere, your deranged, violent little princess attacked me."
Imogen cried, in between sobs.
" that is exactly what happened," I agreed before beginning to stand up.
" not so far Marley, you physically assaulted miss Windsor, luckily for you I'm rather busy this week, therefore leaving me no time to host your after school detentions." He said, staring right into my eyes, I moaned and sat back down in the hard wooden chair.
" She's getting off the hook!" Imogen yelled, immediately standing up to look inferior.
There was a knock at the door, my father adjusted his name plate; which read, Simon Havestone.
And said, " you may enter," without hesitation the door opened to reveal Mr Cumberbatch, he was holding a stack of paper in his right hand. His dark hair shining as the light illuminated his features.
" I have the coursework you wanted Simon," he said before placing the paper on Mr Havestone's desk. The headteacher-my father looked up at Mr Cumberbatch.
" I have an excellent idea, unfortunately my schedule conflicts this week, disallowing me to attend detention with dear Marley over here, would you mind taking my place, Benedict?" Mr Havestone said, rather pleased with himself, " of course," Mr Cumberbatch said. Through gritted teeth.
" when we get home Marley  I'm going to have a word with your mother!" My father sternly yelled, " can I go now father?" I asked politely, he nodded and I kicked my chair in and left.
Once in the corridor, Mr Cumberbatch slowed down, allowing me to catch up with him. " father?" He whispered, his face leaning towards mind. " you never asked?" I replied as i brought up the pace, " Benedict?" I retorted, stopping in my tracks, " didn't I tell you that that night that never happened?" He questioned.
I have no idea why but I surge of confidence ran through me and I made the bold yet regrettable decision of saying  "I don't remember, so I guess your gonna have to fill me in tonight." I said, looking him in the eye, before walking away, leaving him stuck in awe. Why? Why an earth would I say that. Was I completely demented. I thought I agreed to not do this. What the fuck have I got myself into!

Drama class- benedict cumberbatch highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now