chapter 11- 3 days

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AN- So instead of dealing with life by eating my feelings, I decided, hey, how about I at least attempt to make some progress on my messed up fan fiction. so umm yeah, here it is.

Benedict's POV

sitting in an empty cell is surprisingly comforting, obviously the very fact you're in there does present some flaws in your decision making and ultimately your life; however, something about sitting in a cold isolated room allows you to almost revaluate your life. For instance, Marley, I know what I did was wrong, i'm not pretending that it was ok and acceptable, because in truth it wasn't. And I know that technically it should be one of my biggest mistakes or regrets, but it's not. I'm not saying that I've done worse, because I don't think I have, but I know that it felt right being with her. I guess i'm no worse than people like Adam Johnson, in fact by law, what I did was worse.

And yet after all these epiphanies I've been having lately, going to prison is still not my top priority. Marley is. I know perfectly well that I didn't kidnap her, someone else must have done that, who? who could've done something so heinous. Was she even alive? Why should I spend what little time I have left trapped and questioned about an abduction I didn't commit, surely the police should be searching for her instead of conspiring against me? Maybe then they would get some work done.

" dinner." A big burly man unlocked the door a tray of food in his overweight piggish hands. Instead of handing me I like a civilised person he pushed it right next to the toilet in the bottom left hand corner. " In 10 minutes you will have a chance to meet with your solicitor," he abruptly said before slamming and locking the door shut.

Marley's POV

out of the minimal luxuries in this god forsaken place, i'm glad a television is one. Watching it with my eyes shut tight, I don't want to see or hear Benedict on the news as the tv anchors talk about his arrest. It's all my fault, I should never have even started this damned affair, but then if that never happened me and Benedict would have never been happy together, and frankly that's a price i'm willing to pay if it means his freedom. I've literally wrecked his life, even if the charges are cleared, ultimately he's still been taken to court, which means they have substantial evidence. FUCK. What have I done?

slowly we're running out of food, it's been at least 3 weeks judging by the news, and we are already eating on rations. I don't understand why he's doing this? He tells me it's because he needs the money, but yet to me that makes no sense. I managed to gather enough information from him to presume he plans on selling me or something. I wish I were dead. In fact, I've already considered downing some vile liquid I could locate from this rotten cage, but yet even when I really consider it, weighing my own life, deciding if I should, I always refrain, a part of me is still hungry to survive.

" in 3 days we're leaving, you can eat the rest of the tuna in the fridge if you want." Kane yelled from what shit-hole he would describe as the kitchen. Despite the difference in room I absentmindedly nodded, presuming he has somehow understood. 3 days. in 3 days I was certain I would be good as dead, 3 days left.

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