Chapter 4-33 days

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Authors note- I know this chapter is short and I haven't updated in a while, but here it is :p and in fairness the length could be worse, I once new a girl on watt pad who only wrote a sentence each chapter.

Oh god, how am I going to face him ?
I can't believe I made such an inappropriate comment, oh god!
Shit, mcfuckity, crap.
I'm going to die, I'm going to hurl myself out of my window and die.
I just need to calm down and relax, he probably doesn't even remember.
Oh god, of course he remembers, I remember so he obviously remembers.
"MARLEY, breakfasts ready!!"
I hear my mother yell from downstairs, ok, get yourself together Marley, you can do this.
"Commmmiiinnng!" I reply as I run down the stairs, my feet sliding on the wooden stairs, as a result of the navy tights I wore.
My mother stood at the staircase, her long blonde hair loose and trickling down her shoulders.
I jumped down from the last stair, and admired myself in the hallway mirror, damn I look hot.
"Having fun there?" My mum sarcastically jabbed.
I slid on the varnished wood, making my way to the kitchen where a plate of toast awaited.
Before I could eat, the doorbell rang.
I swivelled my head around to look at the door, where my mother ushered Helena in.
" You're early," I saltily said, my eyes focused on my toast.
" yeah, sorry about that, the flat above us flooded, so our flats now all wet."
Damn her good reasons.
"Well are you ready?" She asked as she gestured to the burgundy door, I pushed my empty plate away, tucked my chair in, and made my way to the door.

Finally we arrived at school, I casually looked around for mr cumberbatch's car, but it was no where to be seen .
" where do you think cumberbatch is?" I whispered to Helena , " I told you, his apartment got flooded," she whispered back before strutting off to meet her other friends.
" wait, you live beneath Mr Cumberbatch?" I yelled as I ran off too find her, but she got lost in the crowd.
I made my way towards the canopies to find Louise, keeping an eye out, in the rare event that cumberbatch was here.
" Marley!" Louise called, I turned around to greet her, her hair now back to its original ginger colour.
Instead of paying attention to Louise's  rant about the ecosystem, I was more focused on the fact I had been worried for nothing.
I didn't have to confront Cumberbatch today, maybe I had too tomorrow, but I still had one more day of freedom before the most awkward lesson of my life.
Suddenly, the bell went, Louise  said goodbye and ran of to her first lesson, I just stood there, in the middle of the courtyard extremely confused.
Eventually I realised what was happening and started to walk to my first lesson of the day, drama.
" hello,  I'm mrs McDonald, and I'll be your substitute for today."
An old woman with short grey hair croaked, she looked about 80 and could barely walk.
Today's lesson will be easy.
And it was, so were the next 4 lessons.
But somehow I found myself missing mr Cumberbatch in a weird way.
I was about to walk home, when my dad pulled up in his black Mercedes, and offered to take me home.
I agreed and got in the car, singing along to the spice girls, purely to annoy my father.
When we arrived at the house, my father gentlemanly, opened my car door.
We walked up to the house, I stood playing on my phone, whilst my dad fumbled with the keys, eventually unlocking the door.
I slowly walked in, I could hear my mother talking with someone, a voice I recognised but couldn't put my finger on where and whom. That's odd, I thought: I didn't realised my parents were having guests round. Raising my eyebrows I made my way towards the noise. My feet walking slowly as the wooden floorboards moaned.
I walked into the living room, my mother was facing me. Upon seeing me enter, she smiled, her left hand ushering me inside.  the stranger had his back to me. But all the same, I recognised that back, and the silky brown curls that covered his head like a halo.
" oh hello sweetie, I hope you don't mind lending your room to our guest, unfortunately his flat has been compromised and he has nowhere to go for a week until they've finished some repairs. Your father kindly offered that he could stay here, you don't mind taking the spare room do you?" My mother sweetly asked.
I looked towards the stranger, he too, turned around to greet me.
" I hope you don't mind me taking your room Marley." He said,clearly uncomfortable.
" Mr Cumberbatch," I say between gritted teeth. My hands violently pulling my pleated skirt down in an attempt at modesty.
" You don't think it's at all inappropriate, from a safeguarding point of view?" I said, my eyes stabbing my father.
" nonsense Marley, you're hardly going to have an affair, are you? It's not a big deal, just carry on as usual."
"Of course." I uttered, awkwardly looking at Mr Cumberbatch.

Drama class- benedict cumberbatch highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now