Chapter 3: Return to the City

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The following day, Lloyd, Master Wu and Nya returned to the city in the Bounty, as well as Harumi, who was still unconscious.
Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay, however, were in search of the temple.
"If we could find out more about those Crystal warriors, as well as figure out how the Overlord is linked to the vengestone theft, we may still have a chance." Zane explained through his vehicle's radio.

"Alright. Ninja, be safe. And keep us posted. We'll need to know about any information you can find. Over and out." Nya said through the radio of the Bounty, while keeping tabs on the Ninja in the control room.
Lloyd, however, was sitting next to Harumi in the sleeping quarters. He was really worried for her, mainly because he had no idea why she kept on passing out. He had remembered how her eyes turned from purple back to black before they escaped the temple, and was trying to figure out if that had something to do with it.
Just then, Nya walked in on him watching over Harumi.
"You okay?" Nya asked Lloyd after a moment. She seemed to notice his sudden concern for Harumi.
"Yeah, I'm fine..." Lloyd replied, "I just... I hope she'll be okay..."
"She will, Lloyd," Nya assured him, "We just have to take good care of her. If anyone goes out on missions, there has to be someone looking after her."
"I'll do it," Lloyd nominated himself.
"No," Nya said, seeming to bring down Lloyd's confidence a bit, "I'll do it. You'll be needed for missions. It's too risky to leave you here." Lloyd looked up at her, seeming to know she was right.
"Fine," he finally gave in, "Just be careful," he said, looking down somberly at Harumi, "I don't want anything to happen to her..."
Nya put her hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, you can trust me," she said with a smile.
Lloyd smiled back, seeming to show that he did trust her.
They both decided to head above deck to the Bridge, so they could talk to Master Wu and see if he had any information.
"After all, he is pretty wise..." Lloyd said.
"And old," Nya added.
"Nah, he doesn't look a day over 100!" Lloyd corrected her.
She made a face at him, seeming to say that she didn't like his joke. He laughed sheepishly and they both continued towards the Bridge.
"Morning, Master Wu." Lloyd and Nya greeted him when they arrived.
"Good morning to you as well." Wu replied.
"Any new leads about the Overlord?" Nya questioned.
"Well, sort of..." Wu said suspensefully.
He told them about how an unknown address had been sending him newspaper clippings about all of the recent villains the Ninja had faced, including Wojirah, Aspheera and a few other minor criminals.
"It's as if they knew that the Overlord would come back," Wu told them.
"What if they did?" Lloyd theorised, "You said that the person sent it from an unknown address, but could these codes mean anything?" he pointed to a series of numbers that appeared on each clipping.
"This could be a lead! We need to find the Paper Kids. They could know what the code means!"
"Well, what're we waiting for? Full speed ahead!" Lloyd shouted in excitement.
Nya pulled a lever next to the steering wheel, and the Bounty flew at bullet speed towards the Paper Kids' warehouse.
Meanwhile, the Paper Kids were experimenting to figure out the fastest and most efficient way to deliver newspapers. One of them was being trained by Antonia, a senior member of the group.
Suddenly, the anchor of the Bounty landed beside Antonia. Lloyd was sliding down from it with Nya.
"Excuse me," Lloyd began, "Sorry to interrupt, but I found these newspaper clippings, and they all have a code on them. I was wondering if you could tell me what it means."
Antonia took a glance at the papers and gently snatched them from Lloyd's hands.
"Oh, it's an IDI code. It stands for Individual Delivery Identifier. It tells you where to deliver the newspapers."
"Great! Is there an archive where we can look it up?" Lloyd asked, filled with excitement.
"We're newspaper delivery professionals. We've got your archive right up here." she said confidently, pointing to her head.
She had a closer look at the code.
"Nelson, this address is on your route, isn't it?" Antonia said, calling Nelson over. He's a junior member of the Paper Kids.
"Yeah, that's on my route," he confirmed,
"The address is 833 Adreason Avenue. Apartment 22. I usually leave the papers in the hall."
"Thanks for telling me. Do you know who lives there?" Lloyd questioned Nelson.
"Yeah! What was his name again...?" Nelson was deep in thought.
"Oh yeah! Vinny Folson!"
Lloyd paused for a moment.
"Vinny? Of NGTV News?" he questioned, filled with confusion.
"Well, that's where you're going I guess." Nya remarked.
"I guess so," Lloyd replied, "Thanks, Paper Kids. We really appreciate it. Let's go, Nya."
They were pulled up by the anchor and Nya took control of the ship. She entered the address into the Bounty and flew there at full speed. Once they arrived, Lloyd prepared to leave the Bounty to go to the apartment with Master Wu. However, he was hesitant.
"Are you sure she'll be okay...?" he asked Nya, remembering that Harumi was still passed out.
"Like I said before, you can trust me." Nya said, once again with a smile.
Lloyd smiled back, and prepared to jump off the Bounty.

After they arrived

"Master Wu, this doesn't make much sense. How would Vinny know that the Overlord was going to return? He's not a Ninja, and, no offense to him, he isn't very wise. At least not as wise as someone like you." Lloyd seemed very skeptical.
"I agree," Master Wu replied, "It doesn't make much sense. But we won't know unless we talk to him."
"Look, here's number 22," Lloyd said as they approached the door, "This is it."
He knocked, and a booming voice seemed to be coming towards them, shouting, "Finally!"
The door opened.
"'Twenty minute delivery guarantee' my- huh?"
There was a sudden silence.

"...Dad?" Lloyd muttered after a moment.
"...Lloyd?" Garmadon replied.

"How could this be...?", Master Wu thought.

They all stared at eachother in shock, knowing that this mission was going to be harder than they thought...

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