Chapter 8: the Master of Crystal

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Garmadon was the first to land on the
temple. He took a look around, seeming
to be searching for the Overlord. Lloyd
and Harumi then arrived on the Energy
Dragon. Lloyd climbed down, while
Harumi followed.
"I still remember this place..." Harumi
reminisced, while chills ran down her
spine. "Now that I think about it, it's
pretty creepy."
"Tell me about it..." Lloyd replied, "But
that's not the point of this. We need to
search for the Overlo-"
"Well, well, well," a booming voice said
suspensefully, "If it isn't the old leader
of my council and her friends."
"Ah, what a sight to see. The very being
who possessed me so he could kill my
son." Garmadon replied to the Overlord
while clenching his fist out of anger.
"Let's just get this over with," Lloyd said
impatiently, "NINJA, GO!"
And with that, they began attacking.
Garmadon used his Oni powers to blast
the Overlord back. He (Overlord), was
launched towards a Crystal. He hit it at
bullet speed and seemed to be injured,
but he quickly got back up to keep
fighting. He used his powers to gather up some crystal and vengestone pieces
that surrounded him.
"Fools," he began, "This form is merely
a shape. A vessel which I command..."
The vengestone and crystal circled him,
as a luminous glow of purple light
began appearing from his hands.
Suddenly, he was sucked into the light
and the vengestone and crystal clinged
onto him, making his form stronger. A
large puff of smoke covered him while
he completed his transformation. When
the smoke cleared, he was revealed to
have essentially made himself into a
vengestone mech.
"That doesn't look good..." Harumi
muttered. She quickly ran towards the
right side of the temple, dodging the
Overlord's power blast.
"Lloyd, run! He's abou-" but it was too
late. Harumi didn't warn him fast
enough. He was launched backwards,
nearly falling off of the temple.
However, Harumi came to his aid.
She helped him back up onto the
temple, before clenching her fist with
bitter hatred.
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" she shouted,
before launching herself at the Overlord
and using her sword to cut off his arm.
He screamed out of agony, before clenching his fist and launching it at
Lloyd. His hand was glowing a bright
purple, indicating that he was activating
his powers.
"NO!" Harumi yelled, before somehow
managing to stop the Overlord's arm
from hitting Lloyd. There seemed to
have been a crystal that shielded him.
He moved his hand away from his face
and looked over at Harumi.
"Rumi..." he began, "You're... glowing..."
She looked down at her hands. Lloyd
was right. They were glowing a bright
magenta colour. She lifted her head and
shut her eyes. She floated upwards,
while the light left her hands and
expanded. It eventually surrounded her,
looking as though it were a puff of
glowing smoke. She opened her eyes,
only to find that they were glowing, too.
Eventually, she descended towards the
ground once again. Once she did, she
looked up at the Overlord furiously
"You're gonna regret that," she
muttered before shooting herself
towards the Overlord.
"Don't you see, Harumi?" he remarked,
"This is why I chose you. You're a
descendant of the elemental Master of
Crystal. I knew you had powers in you,
and I knew I could use them to carry out
the plan that would lead to my return."
After the Overlord explained this,
Harumi used her new powers out of
anger to launch Crystals at him. She
realised she was nothing more than a
pawn for the Overlord to control.
Lloyd and Garmadon followed close
behind, also using their powers to
attack him.
"Rumi, what in Ninjago just happened!?"
Lloyd questioned, "I didn't know you
were a descendant of an elemental
"Neither did I," Harumi admitted, "But
you learn something new everyda-" just
then, she fell to the ground, exhausted.
Her new elemental powers seemed too
much for her to handle.
"Rumi, are you okay!?" Lloyd asked,
"Yeah, but I think the Crystal Powers are
still corrupted," she muttered, "I need to
free them from the Overlord's control
someho-" suddenly, they heard a loud
crash. The Overlord had blasted
Garmadon into a crystal, injuring him.
Lloyd immediately ran to his aid.
shouted, concerned for Garmadon.
"I-I can't... It's too late for me..."
Garmadon muttered, before coughing
very harshly.
"Don't worry. I-I'll get you out of here!" Lloyd remarked, with a hopeful yet
somber smile on his face.
"Save... yourself..." Garmadon
whispered, "I love you, son..."
And just like that, he was gone. Lloyd
began sobbing with his head in his
hands. Harumi was struggling to stand
but managed to walk over to Lloyd. She
put her hand on his shoulder and
comforted him. However, the Overlord
"Grieve not," he began, "You will soon
join him."
As he said this, Lloyd's eyes began
glowing a dark purple. He was
surrounded by a mist of the same
colour while transforming into
something. Horns grew on the top of his
head, arms were created from the flesh
on his torso, and his face moulded into
the shape of an Oni. He had unlocked
his golden Oni form. He gave a fierce
scream, before using his newly-
obtained powers to attack the Overlord.
They proved effective, as the Overlord
had trouble getting back up to continue
fighting. Harumi managed, with enough
effort, to make crystals rise from the
ground in front of Lloyd, so he could
use them to get high enough to blast
the Overlord headfirst. However, he saw
his reflection in one of them. He realised that his worst fear was coming
true, and began transforming back into
a human. However, he fought the fear
and unlock a level of Oni power that not
even Garmadon could achieve. He
climbed up the Crystals and shot a ball
of energy and Oni powers at the
The combination of elemental and Oni
power used in that attack seemed to be
the most effective one that he had
used. He quickly clicked on his
(somehow still attached) earphone to
talk to the Ninja.
"Guys! You need to come up here!"
Lloyd yelled in his rough Oni voice.
"We're on our way, but I just want to let
you know that the Merlopians and
Shintarians are here to help us with the
Crystal Warriors!" Kai replied.
"What!? How!?" Lloyd questioned while
using his other hands to blast the
Kai explained how Cole sent a recorded
message to Queen Vania, and Jay explained how Nya had summoned Benthomaar and the other Merlopians, just like she summoned the whales previously.
"That's amazing! But that's not why I'm
contacting you," Lloyd began, "I need
your help. Dad is... dead. And Harumi and I aren't strong enough to defeat the
Overlord on our own. She's very weak,
and I can't figure out how to help her.
She's limping a lot."
"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss," Kai
replied somberly, "But don't worry, we're on our way. Just hang in there. Over and out." Oni Lloyd took his hand off his earphone and regrouped with Harumi. They both looked at each other and smiled confidently.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Harumi questioned Lloyd, with a smirk on her face. "I think so," Lloyd replied while
positioning himself in the direction of
the Overlord.
"3, 2, 1... GO!" Lloyd shouted before he and Harumi launched their powers towards the weakened Crystal King (Overlord). He fell back, and this time, he could barely get up.
"Hey, Lloyd!" a familiar voice called out, "Sorry, we're a bit late to the party." It was Kai. The other Ninja followed close behind him. They all seemed to be in a new form... A Dragon Form.
"Huh? How-?" Lloyd stammered,
"Nevermind, you can tell me later."
"NINJA, GO!" they all shouted in unison. The Ninja were holding the weapons of Spinjitzu and used them to blast the Overlord. Lloyd and Harumi did the same- but with their powers. They did the same combo move that they did before, where Harumi grew crystals up out of the ground and Lloyd used them to climb higher than the Overlord. This time, however, Lloyd had an idea. "Rumi, what if you concentrate your powers towards the big Crystal? If you
can break it, you may be able to remove the corruption created by the Overlord!"
"It's worth a try," she replied. She was still extremely weak, but she managed to drag herself up to the Crystal. She closed her eyes. She put her arm out in front of her and directed her full attention to purifying her powers. The thought of the Overlord being defeated and everyone being joyful once again drove her to her goal, however, the corruption was slowly getting to her. She fought it with all her might. The fear of losing everyone she loved on her mind, including Lloyd, helped her keep battling the corruption. It was the one thing she wanted to prevent. She didn't care if she was hurt in the battle, she just wanted everyone else to be happy. She yelled, before a huge explosion took place in front of her. The Crystal was broken, and the corruption was gone. Harumi regrouped with the Ninja team, and began helping Lloyd with the combo move once again. However, it wasn't just Lloyd who blasted the Overlord this time - the entire team joined in to help Lloyd and Harumi. Lloyd conjured up his Energy Dragon, so the team could have enough power to give the Overlord the final blow.
"Goodbye, Overlord. I hope I never see you again," he muttered to himself, "Alright, everyone, on 3." The entire team counted down, before activating all of their powers and combining them to make a huge laser. It struck the Overlord, who looked to be frozen in a huge block of ice. However, things aren't always what they seem. His body inside of the ice slowly began falling
apart, until he was completely disintegrated.
"Is everyone alright?" asked Lloyd, but
his eyes were drifting towards Harumi.
"Yeah," Kai grunted as he got up. "I can't believe we actually did that."
"I think that question was for Harumi," Cole said, giving Lloyd and Harumi a mischievous face, to which Lloyd rolled
his eyes in annoyance, Harumi blushed in embarrassment, and the rest of the Ninja team chuckled in agreement. They were so exhausted from the battle and astonished by their victory that they didn't notice that the Temple was crumbling under their feet. Lloyd and Harumi ran up to each other, knowing that they were going to leave together on Lloyd's Energy Dragon.
"Honestly, though, are you okay?" Lloyd
"Yeah, I'm fine. You?" Harumi replied.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Lloyd remarked, "That
was one heck of a fight." They both smiled at each other and blushed slightly. However, they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming towards them.
"Let's get out of here before the place explodes," a familiar voice remarked, "Unless you both want to celebrate your victory on a falling temple."
"Wait," Lloyd came to a sudden realisation.
"Pfft. Of course not," Garmadon replied,
"I was just helping you achieve your Oni form."
"Well, I guess it worked, so I can't really be mad at you," Lloyd began, "But, anyways, let's get out of here." he climbed up his already conjured Energy Dragon, while Harumi followed.
"I guess this is it..." she muttered somberly, "I don't really have anywhere to go now."
"Not necessarily," Lloyd began, "I can
talk to Master Wu about letting you stay
with us for a while."
"You'd do that?" she said while looking up at him with a smile on her face.
"Of course! Anything to help you out."
he replied, while smiling back at her, "Let's land on top of that building. I can
see my friends coming that way, anyway."
And so, they did. Lloyd carefully landed the dragon onto a large, grey building that seemed to be an apartment. He climbed off the dragon with Harumi and met with Master Wu and Misako.
"I'm so happy to see you both!" he began, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, we're fine," Misako replied, "Are you?"
"Yeah, I am," he confirmed. He hugged his mother tight, and then his uncle. He then took a look around, only to find that the rest of the Ninja were no longer in their dragon forms.
"Did we win...?" Cole asked.
"Yes, we did," Zane replied.
They all began cheering to celebrate their victory. After they finished cheering, they began walking over to the people they were
closest to; mainly their significant others or really close friends: Kai and Skylor, Jay and Nya, Cole and Misako (he wanted to congratulate her on her research being correct), and Master Wu and Garmadon. Although, for some reason, Lloyd approached Harumi.
"You fought really well back there," he said to Harumi, "And your powers are so cool!"
"Thanks, Lloyd," she replied, "You did great, too."
"Thank you, but why did you saved me?" he questioned her. She knew what he meant, and she didn't hesitate to answer honestly.
"Well, if you're fighting for the one you love, you might as well save his life one time or another," she explained. It took them both a moment to realise what Harumi had said. Both of their faces tinted red out of embarrassment. They turned away from each other, flustered. And it didn't take long for a certain two people to take notice.
"Do those looks remind you of anything?" Garmadon said to Misako, whilst looking over at Lloyd and Harumi.
"Oh, yes, I suppose they do look familiar," she replied with a knowing grin.

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