Chapter 4: the Oni form

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After a moment, the silence was broken.
"Hmmm..." Garmadon muttered.
"THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!? 'HMMM'!?" Lloyd shouted in frustration.
"I was expecting a pizza," Garmadon remarked, "I don't suppose you two are delivering for Buddy's Pizza?"
"No, we are not." Wu said, looking at Garmadon with an angry expression.
They all went inside of the apartment.
"Wipe your feet. Vinny just vaccumed." Garmadon ordered.
"Brother," Wu shouted, "Explain this! Why you're here, the newspaper clippings, everything!"
"Well, this was a conversation I was hoping to avoid," Garmadon explained, "But, since you're here, I will explain." he said, while misting a plant on the coffee table next to him.

He began to tell Lloyd and Wu about how, after he had defeated the Omega Oni, he had felt something he had never felt before: something positive. Something... good.
"So, I went to the wisest person I've ever known,"
he said suspensefully.
"The First Spinjitzu Master?" Lloyd asked.
"Vinny of NGTV News." he declared.
He explained how Vinny "welcomed him with open arms", and "taught him how to be good".
He also told them how Vinny gave him the plant to "learn about empathy and caring".
"We didn't come here to learn about your pet fern!" Lloyd shouted, interrupting Garmadon, "We came about the newspaper clippings."
"Yes, I almost forgot." Wu muttered, "So, brother, explain the clippings. How did you know that the Overlord would return?"
"How could I not?" Garmadon replied, "I may not understand empathy, but anger is simple. I felt it growing around me. I waited for you to do something... but you never did."
"Why didn't you just tell me?" Wu questioned Garmadon.
"Because I didn't want to get involved. I took an oath of non-violence. And-"
Suddenly, there was a strange vibration.
"Hold on, someone is contacting me through my radio," Lloyd clicked on the button on his earphone so he could hear the person on the other end of the radio.
"Lloyd, come in!" Nya was on the other end of the radio. She continued, "I've got good news!"
"That's great, Nya! What's the news?" Lloyd replied, excited to hear what Nya had to say.
"Harumi! She's awake! Here, she wants to talk to you."
Lloyd had a huge smile across his face. He was relieved that Harumi was okay.
"Lloyd? Can you hear me?" Harumi called out, taking over for Nya on the radio.
"Yeah, I can hear you." he replied, sounding like the happiest person in Ninjago.
"Good. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay now. I'm still pretty weak, but that's mainly attributed to the fact that I just woke up. Otherwise, I'm fine." Harumi explained.
"I'm so glad you're okay. You have no idea how worried I was." Lloyd remarked.
"Lloyd? Is everything okay? Who's on the radio?"
Wu asked, concerned.
"It's Harumi! She's awake!" Lloyd shouted out of happiness.
"Well, that's wonderful! Let her know we'll be back as soon as possible." Wu instructed.
"Did you catch that, Rumi?" Lloyd questioned.
"Yeah, I did." Harumi confirmed.
"Great! We'll see you soon. Over and out!"
Lloyd took his hand off of his earphone and apologised for the interruption.
"Alright, Master Wu, let's go. Thanks for the info, Dad. Even though it won't help much, at least it's something." Lloyd said, before waving goodbye to Garmadon and setting off towards the Bounty with Master Wu.
Just then, they heard an explosion inside Vinny's apartment. They quickly ran back in, only to find a sobbing Garmadon holding his (now decapitated)plant.

"CRISTOPHERN!" Garmadon yelled out of sadness.
Wu and Lloyd looked at him with concern, before realising that he was transforming.
He began glowing purple, sprouting long arms out of his lower torso, having horns emit from his head, and his face took the shape of a full-blooded Oni. He grew demon-like wings, and used them to fly down and away from the apartment. He began concentrating his Oni powers on any Crystal Warriors he saw, attempting to get revenge for the death of his beloved plant.

"Lloyd, don't you see?" Master Wu began, "The Crystal Warriors are immune to his Oni powers, and you're part Oni!"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying...?" Lloyd whimpered.

"You must embrace your Oni side." Wu said suspensefully.

This is going to be a wild ride, Lloyd thought.


After they arrived back on the ship

Giving Harumi a hug was the first thing Lloyd did when he got back to the Bounty. Although, he realised that he didn't get permission from Harumi first, so he backed away while laughing sheepishly. He looked very embarrassed. Harumi rolled her eyes and hugged him back, as if to say, 'Don't worry, you're good. I needed a hug, anyway.' They were both smiling and said, "I'm so glad you're okay!"
They said it at the same time, so they had a little laugh.
Garmadon nudged Wu a little bit, and Wu seemed to catch on.


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