POV: the Ninja have a sleepover at Harumi's palace

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The Ninja slowly approached the door of the palace, walking alongside one of the guards. He granted them access, and opened the door to let them through. They stared in awe at the structure of the newly-built Palace of Secrets.
"Wow," Lloyd began, "This looks better than the old palace, in my opinion."
"Agreed," Nya replied, "I've gotta say, I'm actually impressed with the way this was built. And that should say a lot."
"Zane? Are you okay back there?" Cole questioned, turning his head to face Zane. He was holding all of the Ninjas' suitcases, as they had almost forgotten them at the Monastery.
"Yes, I'm quite alright," he said calmly, "However, I would appreciate some assistance." after he said this, everyone took their individual suitcases out of the massive pile that Zane was holding.
"Here, you can head upstairs. Her majesty, the Jade Empress, is waiting for you in the hallway." the guard explained.
"Thank you, sir." Lloyd remarked. The guard saluted, before walking back towards the door behind him.

After going upstairs

"Did this place get bigger or is it just me-?" Jay questioned.
"I think it did. They really went all out with the building." Cole replied.
"Welcome, Ninja, to the new Palace of Secrets!" a familiar voice called out. The Ninja all looked up, only to find Harumi standing in the hallway.
"Greetings, Harumi," Zane began, "We appreciate your invitation to this event."
"It's no problem. I enjoyed staying at the Monastery with all of you, so I figured I should return the favour." Harumi replied.
"Well, what're we waiting for?" Kai said enthusiastically, "Let's get this sleepover started!" the Ninja all cheered, before Harumi led them to their rooms.
"Just to keep everyone comfortable, the boys will stay in these two rooms, while Nya and P.I.X.A.L, who is coming tomorrow, can stay in the room opposite mine." she explained.
"Alright. So who's gonna stay in which room?" Cole questioned.
"How about you, me and Kai stay in the room on the left, while Zane and Jay stay in the room on the right?" Lloyd remarked.
"Sounds good," Kai replied, "Now, let's put all of our stuff in our rooms. Then we can officially get the sleepover started."

After putting their stuff in  (once again, because I'm lazy)

"So... what do we do now?" Cole quiried.
"Well, we could play a board game or something." Harumi replied.
"Wait, I have an idea," Kai began, "Truth or Dare!"
"That game does not appear to be in my database. How do you play?" Zane questioned.
Kai explained the rules of the game, and Zane agreed to play. However, Lloyd and Cole were in denial.
"I don't think that's a good idea..." Cole muttered.
"Yeah. Someone could dare another person to do something stupid." Lloyd remarked.
"Don't worry, guys, everything will be okay." Kai assured them. They eventually agreed to play, and Harumi led them to her living room. They all took a seat on her sofa, and the game began.
"Alright, Zane, truth or dare?" Kai remarked.
"Truth!" Zane replied.
"What's the best vehicle you think P.I.X.A.L has ever made?" Kai questioned.
"The jet that she made for me during the battle against the Overlord." Zane said enthusiastically.
"Alright, now you can ask Cole." Kai explained.

A few rounds later

"Okay, Lloyd, truth or dare?" Cole asked, with a mischievous look on his face.
"I've done a lot of dares, so I'll go with truth this time. " Lloyd replied. The Ninja began snickering, as if they knew what Cole was about to ask.
"Do you happen to have feelings for Harumi?" he questioned. Lloyd froze in place, and began blushing in embarrassment.
"Uh- what made you ask that?" he stammered.
"Come on, buddy, answer the question." Kai said smugly.
"Uh- yeah...?" Lloyd muttered.
"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Jay remarked. Harumi was sitting next to Lloyd, and her face was red out of embarrassment. So was Lloyd's. Despite this, they continued the game for a few more rounds before moving on to watching TV.

Two hours later

"Wow, that movie was pretty great. I can see why you like it, Lloyd." Kai exclaimed.
"I told you Harry Potter was good," Lloyd replied, "What should we do now?"
"Well, it's getting pretty late," Harumi began, "We should probably have dinner and head to bed."
"Alright. Lead the way." Kai remarked. And so, Harumi led them downstairs towards the palace Dining Room.
"Woah, this looks even more fancy that that venue that we went to for the Mayor's party!" Jay exclaimed.
"Thanks, Jay. But anyway, today we're gonna have some fresh noodles and dumplings!" Harumi said out of excitement, while gesturing towards the large table in the center of the Dining Room.
"Sounds good! Let's dig in!" Cole shouted. And so, they all sat down and began eating dinner.

After dinner (you already know why)

"Wow, that was great food. I'm stuffed." Kai muttered.
"Agreed. That was a really good meal." Jay replied.
"Glad you liked it," Harumi began, "Now, let's head up to bed." and with that, she took them all upstairs, wished them goodnight, and headed to bed.

2am in the morning

Harumi opened her eyes, yawned, and slowly began sitting up.
"Why in Ninjago am I awake right now-?" she muttered to herself, "Well, I might as well do some sketching. You know what they say, 'a sketch a day keeps the boredom away'. Now, I need to get my pencil."  she reached her arm out towards her bedside table, only to find that her sketching pencil wasn't there.
"Darn it, I must've left it in the living room," she whispered, "Well, I guess I'll have to go get it."
She began tip-toeing across the hallway, attempting not to wake anybody up. However, her cover was suddenly blown.
"Stupid automatic lights," she muttered angrily, "Where's that off switch? I can never remember where it is..." she started walking around the corridor, searching for the light switch. Eventually, she found it, right next to Lloyd, Kai and Cole's room.
"Finally. I swear, one day I've got to get those automatic lights cha-" before she could finish ranting about the lights, she noticed something inside of the bedroom. Everyone was sleeping in their sleeping bags, apart from Lloyd, who fell asleep on a chaise lounge. Harumi thought she should just leave him alone and go and get her pencil, but she couldn't resist going inside to at least get him a blanket. She tip-toed to the back of the room, where there was a large wooden door. She pushed down the handle, and it creaked open. There were shelves apon shelves of bedsheets, pillow cases, duvet covers and, finally, fleece blankets. She grabbed the first one she saw and began walking back towards the chaise lounge. She gently placed the blanket onto Lloyd, before sitting down on the chair next to him.
"I'm glad you came,"  she whispered, before sliding this hair out of his face, "I wasn't sure you would, after all of the trauma I caused you. But I can see you've grown from that."  she smiled at him, before kissing him on the cheek. Afterwards, she walked towards the living room, grabbed her pencil, and slowly headed back towards her bedroom.

The next morning

"Morning, everyone!" Nya called out.
"Morning." everyone else said in unison.
"Did you all sleep well?" Harumi quiried.
"Yes, we all slept quite well," Zane replied, "According to my calculations, all of us got the exact amount of sleep that we need to function throughout the day."
"Well, that's great! Now, let's head down for breakfast. We're having some simple butter on toast today." Harumi remarked.
"Alright! Let's go downstairs. I could eat a bear right now." Jay said jokingly. And with that, they all advanced down the stairs and began walking towards the Dining Room.

After eating and after P.I.X.A.L arrived (do I even need to explain myself at this point?)

"Hey, Harumi?" Lloyd called out, "Where exactly is the TV remote? Kai and I wanna watch the Ultimate Prime Empire gaming tournament."
"Sure! It's on the table with the vase full of roses. You can't miss it." Harumi replied.
"Alright, thanks!" Lloyd remarked. He began looking around the room for the table with the vase on it, but when he found it, he noticed something strange. There was a large item wedged between the sofa and the table. It appeared to be a canvas.
Right, I almost forgot that Harumi likes to paint, he thought to himself, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I just took a quick look at that canvas...
He gently pulled it out of the crevice, and when he saw what was on it, his jaw dropped.
"Is that... me!?"  he muttered to himself in shock.
He took another look at the painting. He smiled and blushed slightly, seeming quite happy at the sight of it.
"Wow, Rumi is pretty talented," he began, "I couldn't even paint a circle if I wanted to!"
After inspecting the painting for a solid 5 minutes, he placed it back where it was, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.


Lloyd walked up to Harumi's room, and gently knocked on the doors.
"Come in!" she remarked, while taking out the headphones she was wearing. Lloyd slid the doors open, and began walking into the room.
"Oh, hi, Lloyd," she began, "What's up?"
"Nothing much," he replied, "I just thought we should catch up." after saying this, he looked down at the item Harumi was holding. It was her phone, which appeared to be playing a song.
"What're you listening to?" he asked, curious.
"Oh, just a song I found a couple days ago," she replied, "It's pretty good. It might even be my favourite song. It's called Guy.exe."
"Oh. Cool. It's actually one of my favourites." he remarked.
"Cool! So, what did you wanna talk about?" she questioned.
"Nothing too important. I just wanted to chat with you, since I haven't seen you since the mayor's party," he explained, while taking a seat on the chair next to Harumi's bed, "I also wanted to say, I'm glad you're on our side now. It's been great having you on the team, and I hope we'll have a lot more adventures together."
"I hope so, too." she replied. They smiled at eachother, blushing slightly, until Harumi looked down at the floor and frowned.
"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and your friends," she muttered, "I shouldn't have done any of it."
"Hey, it's okay," he replied, placing his hand on hers, "You've more than redeemed yourself. And, anyway, it wasn't your fault. I can't imagine going through what you have. I wouldn't have the courage to do what you've done."
"Thanks, Lloyd. I appreciate it," she began, "Although, I wouldn't have the courage to do what you've done. I mean, finding out I was part of the most important legend of our time AT TEN YEARS OLD!? I wouldn't be able to handle that as well as you did."
Lloyd began laughing sheepishly.
"Well, I tried," he remarked, "But, still, the stuff you've done is CRAZY. Gathering enough criminals to make an entire organisation, becoming so good at manipulating you could trick an entire team of trained Ninjas as well as the royal family, gathering all of the information to be able to literally ressurect someone, dying and being ressurected yourself, working for the ultimate evil and building his entire army FROM SCRATCH, leading his council of other villains and launching an operation for them to steal the Weapons of Spinjitzu, surviving Primeival's Eye TWICE, surviving after an extreme loss of powers and therefore a decline in heart rate, surviving an extreme GAIN of powers by freeing them from the corruption of, once again, the ultimate evil, helping to fight and defeat the ultimate evil, I could go on and on."
Harumi looked shocked at the sheer amount of feats she had accomplished, along with the fact that Lloyd really did notice all of the difficult things she had been through. She smiled and looked over at him.
"Well, I could go on and on about your accomplishments, too. Releasing every tribe of the Serpentine and finding out you're the Green Ninja at just 10 years old, fighting the Serpentine, a giant snake and your own dad, aging up due to sketchy-looking tea leaves, defeating the ultimate evil using golden powers while all of your friends had been corrupted by him, loosing your golden power to the RESSURECTED ultimate evil, going into space and fighting an alien species while trying to stop said ultimate evil from destroying your home, loosing your friend who sacrificed himself to save you and your other friends, fighting a crazy noodle shop owner who stole every elemental power except your own, loosing your reformed father who sacrificed himself to defeat the crazy noodle guy, getting posessed by a ghost who wanted your powers, having to travel across nearly every one of the 16 realms to fight said ghost, having to murder your own dad by destroying the realm that he was in, becoming a fugitive, fighting twins who could literally control time itself, fighting my old criminal army, fighting me, fighting your dad AGAIN, fighting the Oni (or so I've heard from the others), getting trapped in a video game, getting trapped in another realm, getting captured by a crazy evil king with a talking pet skull, having to endure Nya merging with the sea, once again fighting the ultimate evil... I could go on if you want me to?"
They both laughed, before continuing their conversation.
"By the way, what're you sketching?" Lloyd quiried.
"Oh, I'm actually sketching your Energy Dragon. It looks pretty cool, and I thought it'd look great in my sketchbook." Harumi explained.
"Ah, okay. Do you mind if I watch?" he questioned.
"Not at all! Here, let me take out my headphones and put on the song. It'll be more fun that way." she replied. And with that, she continued sketching, while Lloyd watched. He began muttering the lyrics to the song, and Harumi whispered along with him. They enjoyed singing together, until they head a vibrating sound.
"Oh, I'm getting a call," Lloyd explained, before taking his phone out of his back pocket, "It's my Mom."
"Oh. Well, go ahead an answer it. I don't mind." she replied with a smile. Lloyd smiled back, before answering the phone and putting it up to his ear.
"Hello?," Lloyd remarked, "Phone noises Yeah, I remember. Why? More phone noises Wait, WHAT!? Even more phone noises Yeah, I'll tell them right away. Thanks, Mom." he quickly hung up the phone, and turned to face Harumi.
"Pythor, Aspheera and the Mechanic have all broken out of prison," he explained, "Apparently, they're coming here."
"What a suprise," she replied sarcastically, "We need to get ready. You go tell the boys. I'll let Nya and P.I.X.A.L know." Lloyd nodded his head, before rushing out of Harumi's room and towards the Living room, where the rest of the team were. Harumi, however, sprinted towards the room across from her own, where Nya and P.I.X.A.L were. After Lloyd and Harumi explained to the team what had happened, they all met up in the corridor and formed a plan to stop Aspheera, Pythor and the Mechanic from getting inside the palace.

Later on the roof

"Okay, so does everyone remember the plan?" Lloyd whispered.
"Affirmative." Zane replied, while the rest of the team nodded.
"Alright, get into your positions." Lloyd muttered. The Ninja all leaped across the roof of the palace into their assigned positions; Lloyd and Harumi were on the right, Zane and P.I.X.A.L were on the left, Jay and Nya were at the back, and Kai was keeping a lookout at the front. Once he saw the villains walking up to the palace, he signalled to the others that they had arrived. They all put their masks up and hoods down, before sneaking off of the roof and towards the front door of the palace.
"Sir, you can't come in without permission from the Empress," a guard said to Pythor, "Unless you have any proof that she allowed you to come here, I can't let you in."
"Don't fret, good sir," Pythor replied, with a smug look on his face, "We're only here to pay a little visit to your precious Empress' friends." after he saying this he attempted to attack the guard, however, he was quickly put to a stop by the Ninja.
"Not so fast, Pythor," Lloyd began, "We won't let you hurt these innocent men."
"Ah, the Green Ninja," Pythor replied, "Don't you worry. Myself, Ms Revenge and Mr Mechanical Arm are only here to carry out our plan to defeat you once and for a-"
"You do realise those plans never work, right?" Harumi said sarcastically, "Honestly, you villains need to go back to school. Maybe it'll make your IQ higher. And, anyway, who just blurts out the fact that they've got a master plan to defeat their enemies? Cheez, some of you are really stupid." the Ninja began snickering at Harumi's comment, before they were interrupted by Lloyd.
"Guys, focus." he reminded them. They all quickly took out their weapons of choice, and began frowning at their enemies.
"NINJA, GO!" they all shouted in unison. And so, the fight began. Kai and Nya fought Aspheera, Lloyd and Harumi fought Pythor, and Zane and P.I.X.A.L fought the Mechanic. Suddenly, Aspheera pulled out her staff and began blasting Kai and Nya. However, Lloyd used his own powers to block her from hurting them. They quickly got up and attacked Aspheera from behind while she was distracted.
"Don't you worry, Ninja, we will have our REVEN-" she remarked, before being cut off by Harumi.
"Aw, save it," she muttered, "I already heard that way too much while working for the Overlord. Plus, you might wanna look at who's behind you." after Harumi said this, the 3 villains turned around, only to find that the police had one again showed up to arrest them. This time, however, they had come up with better precautions to keep the villains in check.
"We've installed more cameras, lasers, and even a security camera that you and the rest of your team have access to. That way, you can come and help us if they ever break out again." the Kryptarium Cheif explained.
"Thank you for letting us know, sir. We'll let the rest of the team know, so they can help as well." Lloyd replied. The Cheif nodded, before regrouping with his colleagues and taking the 3 handcuffed criminals away.
"Well, now that that's over with, who wants to continue the sleepover?" Lloyd said to the team with a smile. They all cheered, before heading back inside the palace. They all enjoyed laughing together and spending time together for the rest of the week.

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