The First Kiss

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(Quick A/N: this takes place after the sleepover chapter. Harumi is staying over at the Monastery for a while just cause why not {mostly to see Lloyd 😉})

(Another quick A/N: this chapter was an idea given to me by Llorumi_shipper. Go ahead an follow them if you're interested! Their stories are amazing)

(Final A/N: This might be a little cringe to some of you 😬
Just thought I should warn y'all)

The Ninja were all sitting in the living room of the Monastery doing things on their phones. Nya was texting P.I.X.A.L about their plans to upgrade her new Samurai X suit, Kai was texting Skylor about the date they were going on later that week, Jay was watching YouTube, and Lloyd was messaging the Commissioner about how to make Kryptarium more secure, so the former Crystal Council wouldn't be able to escape again. Zane, however, was instead studying a leftover Crystal from the battle against the Overlord using a microscope.

Kai noticed Lloyd's facial expression change from neutral to shocked after supposedly seeing something on his phone. He began walking up to Lloyd.

"Everything okay, buddy?" he questioned his friend, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah, it's just something the Commissioner sent me," Lloyd replied, "Remember that time where I tried to 'escape' Kryptarium while running after Harumi?" Kai nodded, and Lloyd continued.

"Well, they kinda took a picture of me to put it in their records of criminals who've tried to escape, and the Commissioner just sent it to me." he explained.

"Oh. Well, can I see it?" Kai quiried.

"Uh, I don't think you'd want to-" Lloyd replied, before being cut off by Kai.

"Come on, buddy, it can't be that b-" Kai said jokingly, while looking over at Lloyd's phone screen. His eyes widened, but his shocked expression was quickly replaced with a sly smile.

"Harumi!" he called out, "There's something you have to see!" Lloyd's face turned red, and he attempted to hide his phone. However, Kai snatched it from him and blocked him with his arm when he tried to snatch it back. Just then, Harumi walked in.

"I'm here, Kai," she began, "Now, what is it I need to see?" before Lloyd could stop him, Kai shoved the phone up to Harumi's face. Both hers and Lloyd's cheeks flushed red, although she had more of a surprised expression on her face.

"I- uh- um-" Lloyd stammered.

"Uh- I- wha- um-" Harumi muttered back. They were both pretty much speechless.

"I think I'm gonna go-" she said in a frantic tone, "See you all at dinner." and with that, she sprinted out of the living room. Lloyd looked up at Kai.

"Kai..." he said furiously, while his right eye twitched. Kai scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What? What did I do?" he said in a fake innocent tone.

In Harumi's bedroom

Harumi flopped herself onto her bed, her face still redder than her old Quiet One facepaint.

"Why do I have to get flustered so easily?" she muttered to herself, "I've embarrassed myself in front of my friends and Lloyd." just then, she heard a knock on her bedroom doors.

"Come in." she called out, while slowly sitting herself up. The doors slid open, and it was revealed that Lloyd was behind them.

"Hey," he began, "Sorry about Kai. Are you okay? You seemed pretty speechless after you saw that picture."

"So did you," she said with a smile, "And yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking."

"That's good. Mind if I sit with you for a bit?" he quiried. Harumi nodded, and motioned for him to sit next to her on her bed.

"I've been wanting to talk to you about something." he explained, "It's about us."

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"Well, things have been changing a lot recently. Especially during the battle against the Overlord," he began, "I think.... I've gained feelings for you again." Harumi's eyes widened at this, but her shocked expression was quickly replaced with a soft smile.

"Well, that's a good thing," she replied, "Because I feel the same way." Lloyd looked up at her with a huge grin spread across his face.

"Are you being serious this time?" he questioned.

"Of course I am," she explained, "In fact, I've always felt the same. Back then, I was just so focussed on revenge that I didn't realise what was actually good for me: having someone who really cared." Lloyd gave her a loving smile, and she smiled back.

"Well, I'm getting kinda hungry. I'm gonna head to kitchen to make myself some dinner," she began, before gently pecking Lloyd on the lips. She started walking towards the door, but when she got to the doorway, she froze and turned her head over her shoulder to look at Lloyd.

"See you later, Greenie." she said with a wink, before continuing out of her room and towards the kitchen. Lloyd was still staring at the doorway where Harumi just was, with his mouth wide open. He couldn't believe it.

That was their first kiss.

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