Chapter 5: the Chemistry begins

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As Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay continued to battle with the Crystal Warriors, the rest of the team were on their way in the Bounty.

"We're about 5 miles away. Hang tight, boys." Nya said over the radio.
"Don't worry, we will. See you in a bit." Jay replied, while using his vehicle to shoot the Crystal Warriors that were in his way.

"Mayday!" Cole shouted, "My car's engine is fried!"
"Don't worry, Cole. Jay, drive over and block the Warriors. I'll be there as soon as possible to come and help." Nya instructed.
"Roger that." Jay said, while making his way over to Cole to help him out.
"Nya, how far are we and how long will it take to get there?" Lloyd asked.
"We're about 2 miles away and it'll take us roughly... 4 minutes to get there." Nya estimated.
"Let's see if we can make it in 3." Lloyd said confidently. He reached out to the turbo button on the control panel. When he pressed it, the Bounty shot forward at bullet speed, getting them there before the estimated time.
"Don't worry, Jay, I've got you." Nya said, as she saw that he was struggling to shield Cole while he fixed his vehicle.
She pressed another button on the control panel, shooting large missiles at the Crystal Warriors. They all fell to the ground, and Nya told Jay to tow Cole's car to the old Samurai X cave. He asked why.
"I think it's better if I show you." she replied.

After they arrived at the Sam' X Cave

"So, what's wrong Ny-" Jay began, before noticing that Harumi was also there. He continued, "What is she doing here?"
Lloyd realised that he had forgotten to mention that Harumi wasn't working for the Overlord anymore. The Ninja became very defensive and prepared to shoot her with their powers, but when they did, Lloyd used his Energy Shield to protect her.
"Guys, chill," he explained, "She's on our side now. She broke free from the control of the Overlord."
"It's true," Harumi confirmed, "You can trust me. I swear."
The Ninja let go of their anger and deactivated their powers.
"So, as I was saying..." Jay began, "How come you called us here, Nya?"
"Well, it's a long story... I'll let Master Wu explain."
And so, he did. He told them about how they had found Garmadon and figured out that the Crystal Warriors were immune to the powers of the Oni Form. He also told them that Garmadon would be teaching Lloyd how to unlock his own Oni form.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight: you're trusting your EVIL brother, to teach your nephew how to UNLOCK EVIL DESTRUCTION POWERS!?" Cole shouted.
"Precisely," Wu whispered, "And, aside from the plan to defeat the Overlord, Lloyd is Garmadon's son. Who knows, maybe it could help them get along better."
"Alright, I'm in," Cole said with confidence, "Go ahead, Garmadon. Start training him. Do what you have to do."
"I didn't ask for your permission, but whatever. Let's get to work." Garmadon replied.


"Well, we're not really making any progress. Are you not feeling any anger right now?" Garmadon asked Lloyd.
"Well, no." he replied.
"Uhm, excuse me, Garmadon, but aren't you being a bit harsh on Lloyd? You kinda just punched him out of the way while calling his technique terrible..."
"I am being perfectly reasonable, Harumi," he replied with confidence, "He isn't doing well, so he needs discipline from me until he gets better."
"Well, Lloyd, if it makes you feel any better, I think you did great." Harumi said with a smile.
"Yeah, it does," he smiled back, "Thanks, Rumi."
"Enough with this lovey-dovey sappy stuff. We need to get back to work on achieving the Oni form," Garmadon said, ruining the moment (smh),
"Actually, I just thought of a new technique: everything has an opposite. You've been taught how to use the power of creation, but the Oni use the exact opposite power: destruction. Therefore, you'll need to do the opposite of everything that my brother has taught you."

"Garmadon, what did you just say? Not the teaching thing, the thing before that." Wu asked.
"Everything has an opposite-?"
"Yes, that," Wu began, "What if, just like how there's an all-powerful Oni form, there's an all-powerful Dragon form, too?"
"Good thought, Master Wu," Lloyd said, "But how would we achieve it?"
"I'll need to contact Misako. Maybe she can help us. Pixal, come with me. I'll need your help to reach her." Wu instructed. He proceeded to walk out of the Samurai X Cave and towards the Bounty, whilst Pixal followed.
"Well, granted for sake of argument that you don't achieve Oni form," Garmadon began, "How do you expect to defeat a villain whose very existence mutes your elemental powers and renders your vehicles useless?"
"With these!" Nya pressed a button a strange remote that she was holding, and 4 new vehicles for the Ninja appeared out of the ground on different sized displays.
"I've been working on these with Pixal ever since we found out about the Overlord's return. They're immune to the power-draining abilities of the Crystal Warriors."
"Awesome! These are way better than poorly-taught Oni form classes." Jay said confidently.
Garmadon gave him the side eye, and he laughed sheepishly.
"Alright, then. Looks like we know how to defeat them. Thanks, Nya. NINJA, GO!" Lloyd shouted.
The Ninja team got into their vehicles and were preparing to drive off. Lloyd was just about to head to the Bounty with Nya, but Harumi stopped him.
"Lloyd, wait!" she shouted, before grabbing his wrist.
"What's wrong, Rumi?" he replied, concerned.
"I'm just a bit... scared. I've seen what power the Overlord had inside of his Crystal firsthand. I can't even imagine how powerful he is now that he's been freed. Plus, what if I pass out again? I don't-"
Lloyd put his hands on her shoulders.
"Hey, it's okay. You're safe with us. I'll be here to help if you pass out again. And if not, Nya promised she'll look after you. You don't have to worry about anything."
Harumi was on the verge of tears and hugged him tight.
"Thank you for saving me from him." she muttered to Lloyd.
"No problem." he hugged her back. After that, they both headed to the Bounty together, smiling.
The Ninja saw it all.
"I'm getting major dejá vu..." Kai began, "You don't think...?"
"Yeah, I do." Cole replied.
The Ninja seemed to notice something going on between Lloyd and Harumi.
"We can focus on that later. Right now we have a mission." Jay reminded the others.
"Right," Kai said, seeming to show that he had stopped being distracted.
"Let's go, boys."

Garmadon and Wu (who had just come back from the Bounty) were still in the Samurai X Cave when the Ninja drove off.
"You do realise that they won't stand a chance, right?" Garmadon asked Wu.
Wu looked on somberly at the Ninja's vehicles in the distance. He knew he had to have faith, but he also knew deep down that... Garmadon was right.

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