Chapter 7: a Slight Gain in Hope

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The Ninja got out of their vehicles and sprinted towards Nya, Lloyd, Harumi and Pixal.
"Is everyone okay?" Cole asked, concerned.
"Yeah, we're all fine," Lloyd replied, "But the Bounty..." his voice trailed off.
"Hey, it's oka-" Kai was cut off by Lloyd.
"BUT IT'S NOT OKAY! WE HAVE NOWHERE TO GO!" Lloyd screamed, while crying tears of anger. He came to a sudden realisation of what he had done.
"I- I'm sorry, Kai. I just... I don't know what to do."
"It's fine. I understand," he replied, "But, seriously, what do we do now? It's not like we can just conjure up a new ship with a radio and controls and stuff in time to stop the Overlord. He'll have taken over half of Ninjago by then!"
"Well," Pixal began, "Can't we stay at the Sam' X Cave in the meantime? It has everything that we need to survive for a while. Plus, we can also plan there."
"Great idea. But how will we get there?" Harumi quiried.
"Well, we have got our vehicles," Zane replied, "But what about you, Lloyd?"
Before Lloyd could answer, a loud voice said, "Well, I can fly there."
They felt a vibration, indicating that someone had landed near them. Lloyd immediately recognised the voice.
"Oh, it's you. Hi, Dad." he said to Garmadon in an annoyed tone.
"Hey, I'm not here to argue. I'm here to help," he explained, "My brother recorded a message over the radio, and it was put on a station. He's at the Paper Kids' warehouse."
"Why would he be there?" Cole questioned.
"Oh, the Paper Kids? They've saved me before," Kai began, "I was drowning in a canal, and two of the Paper Kids saved me. One of them was that little boy, Nelson. The one from the hospital."
"You mean the Purple Ninja?" Lloyd said, lifting his head up. He had been deep in thought.
"Yeah, him." Kai replied.
"Well, I guess we know where we're going." Cole remarked, before jumping into his vehicle. The other Ninja, apart from Lloyd, Garmadon, Harumi and Pixal, followed him.
Garmadon flew above the Ninja's vehicles using his wings, while Pixal used her Samurai X Suit.
"So, how're we gonna get there?" Harumi questioned Lloyd.
"On this!" he replied, while using his powers to conjure up his Energy Dragon once more. When it had been fully brought back, it growled fiercely.
"Easy, boy..." Lloyd said gently. He was attempting to calm the dragon down. After he did, he climbed up to the back of it, while Harumi followed.
"Now, are you 100% sure this is safe? I was kinda scared earlier." Harumi admitted.
"As long as you follow my advice this time, you'll be fine." Lloyd assured her.
"Alright, if you say so." Harumi said, as she put her hands on his shoulders.
Lloyd used the chains on the dragon to steer it in the direction of the Ninja. Once he got it flying, he decided to talk to Harumi for a bit.
"So, are you feeling okay?" he asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she began, "But I have a question."
"Sure. Ask away." he replied, smiling.
"Why're you blushing?" she questioned him.
"What do you mean? I'm not." he said defensively.
"Really? Then why's your face red?" she pointed out, with a knowing smirk on her face.
"Uh- no reason." he said, looking very embarrassed.
"You sure? Cause you look really fluster-" before Harumi could finish, Lloyd cut her off.
"Not really the time, Rumi."
"The time for what?" she quiried.
"Nothing, nevermind," he began, "But look! There's the Paper Kids' warehouse!"
Harumi smiled and rolled her eyes, as if she knew what was going through Lloyd's head.
Phew. Saved by the mission, he thought to himself.
Master Wu greeted the Ninja team at the front of the warehouse. He was very happy to see them.
"My nephew! I'm so glad you're okay!" he shouted of of happiness, before giving Lloyd a hug.
"I'm happy to see you, too. But we need to focus on saving Ninjago." he reminded his uncle.
"Right," he replied, "Come inside. We have a plan, but we need your input on it."
They all entered the warehouse and approached the old radio that was on a table inside.
"This was the radio that I used to reach you, brother," Wu began," But that's not the point of this meetup. What I want to tell you is the plan."
"Go ahead. We're listening." Garmadon said, while folding his arms and looking at Wu with a serious expression.
"Well, the plan is that myself and the Ninja protect this warehouse and all of the people inside, while Garmadon, Lloyd and Harumi all attack the Overlord directly from his temple." Wu explained.
"Why me? Why do I have to go?" Harumi queried.
"You've seen the Overlord's powers firsthand. You could be the only chance we have at defeating him." Wu replied.
"Plus, it'd get kinda lonely on the dragon without you there." Lloyd jokingly remarked.
They all had a good laugh, before executing the plan. Lloyd and Harumi used the dragon to get to the temple, while Garmadon transformed into his Oni Form and used his wings. They all hid behind the temple, waiting to strike.
"I wonder what'll happen after this." Harumi said, with a somber expression on her face.
"Well, no matter what happens, let me just say that it's been great having you on the team. I'm glad you broke free from the Overlord's control. Otherwise, we wouldn't have bonded like we did," Lloyd replied in a sad yet hopeful tone, "That goes for you, too, Dad. I'm glad we found you in that apartment."
"Thanks, Lloyd." Harumi looked up at him with a smile on her face, and he smiled back.
"Thanks... I guess." Garmadon muttered.
"Alright, Ninja, we're executing the plan." Master Wu said over the radio.
"NINJA, GO!" the Ninja all shouted in unison, before charging towards the Crystal Warriors.
Lloyd, Harumi and Garmadon, however, flew to the front of the Overlord's temple. They looked upon the valley of crystals below, knowing that this fight may or may not be their last. But there was only one way to find out...

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