POV: Lloyd FINALLY asks Harumi out (Book Finalé!)

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(A/N I just know y'all will be proud of the lil Green Bean once you finish this chapter)

Today was the day. Lloyd was finally going to ask Harumi out on a date. He had been thinking about asking her for a while. Ever since their little moment after the "Kai steals Lloyd's phone to show Harumi a picture of him looking surprisingly fine" incident. But he kept on backing out 'cause of the beauty that is ✨anxiety✨. However, this time, he wouldn't back out. He had invited her to come with him on a ride above Ninjago City on the Bounty. He saw how much she had enjoyed it back when she was the Quiet One, so he thought it would be best to ask her then (plus, you never want to ask Harumi about anything important when she isn't in a good mood. If you did, well... let's just say it wouldn't end well for you 😅).
Lloyd stood beside the ship and waited for Harumi. Since he wasn't going out on a mission, he didn't need to wear his Ninja Gi (although, he did keep a spare one in the Sleeping Quarters). He was wearing a dark green hoodie with matching jogging bottoms.
"I'm ready!" Harumi called out as she exited the Monastery. Lloyd looked over at her, and his face instantly went red. Harumi was wearing a jade green linen dress with a pleated skirt with black leggings underneath. She was also wearing mint green flats (shoes) with jade green sequins.
"Lloyd? Earth to Lloyd!" she called out to him. He rapidly shook his head as he snapped back into reality.
"Sorry- I just got distracted-" he said to her apologetically, "You look beautiful."
"Aw, thank you!" she replied with a smile, "I picked this out just for this occasion."
"Alright. Should we go now?" Lloyd quiried. Harumi nodded, before they both headed towards the deck of the Bounty.


It was a beautiful day in Ninjago City. The sun was out, the birds were chirping, and all of the citizens were enjoying their day. But nothing could compare to how happy Harumi was to be flying over Ninjago City with the person she cared about the most (and to be flying over Ninjago City when there wasn't an evil guy called the Overlord trying to take over).
"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Lloyd said to her jokingly.
"Well, yeah, I am!" she replied with a smile, "I'm flying over Ninjago City on a huge flying ship with the person I care about the most in the entire world! How much better can it get?" Lloyd chucked slightly, before turning to face Harumi.
"Hey, Rumi?" he remarked.
"Yeah?" she replied.
"I've been meaning to ask you something." he briefly explained.
"Go ahead! I'm all ears." she remarked. He took a deep breath, before gesturing for her to stand next to him. And, so, she did.
"So, things have been changing between us a lot recently. I've confessed to you, you've confessed to me, and all of my friends know as well. But I've been meaning to ask... do you maybe want to... go out sometime?" he quiried. She paused for a second, letting what he had just asked her sink in. Once it had, she hugged him from the side.
"I thought you'd never ask." she said with a smile. He smiled back.
Well, that went better than I thought it would, he thought to himself, I didn't think she'd say yes- but, life is full of surprises.
"So, where're we gonna go and when?" she quiried.
"I was thinking next Saturday at a restaurant in the City." he explained.
"Sounds perfect!" she replied, "I can't wait!"
Never thought he'd be the one to make the first move, but, whatever. Life is full of surprises I guess. And, anyway, I'm glad he did. Time to get an outfit together ready for next week!, she thought to herself.
And, so, after about an hour, they both headed back to the Monastery together, extremely excited for their date, and hoping and praying that it would go well.
Little did they know, that first date would lead to an entire journey of love... and loss.

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