33. Precious time

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"Explanation for what happened early in the morning: a target was shot at in the morning, thinking he was a threat and he infiltrated into our territory. Namjoon's summary of what happened allows everyone to know with certainty about the event. Sometimes gossip causes more confusion than there already is. "However, he was not eliminated for a very simple reason" He clasps his hands together. "It's about Park Ji-Min, seventh member of our group. He made it this far." he announces in disbelief that he can say so.

There are murmurs and uncertainty.

"Wasn't he dead? They said he was dead."

"We thought he wasn't... but if he's a good guy, why did he attack us?"

"He almost killed four people Is he going to be just like that?"

The complaints are justified. Jin draws attention with a simple request for silence.

"Yes, indeed we thought he was dead, but fortunately he was not. Beyond these words, I have nothing to say on the subject" Namjoon says and lets out a deep breath of air. "Regarding his behavior, I will let Dr. Chaewoon and Dr. Boom talk about it."

The woman climbs up on the dais to be in full view of everyone. Holding in her hand the chart and report she filled out regarding Jimin's condition.

"Patient Jimin presents with malnutrition, fatigue, innumerable internal and external injuries. From what we were able to monitor and he said from his own mouth, he had about a week without sleep and two or three wandering on his own with hordes circling the area" explains the doctor lowering the chart with the spreadsheet. "He also shows signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. Outrage produces aggressive reactions."

"There is also a high probability of hallucinating from time without rest" Boom adds. "His intentions were to get here, but the overstimulus and accidental attack just caused that reaction. It's a delicate situation that we can't treat lightly."

"Jimin will go through a probationary period. Depending on his behavior actions will be taken on it" Namjoon informs. Jin gives him a complicit look. That's a lie. The biggest and only one they have told so far. "Until then, we'll take care of keeping an eye on him and making sure he's someone stable Any questions?"

"What if he goes crazy and starts attacking all of us to kill us? He's a threat."

"Everyone here is a threat. Some more than another and that doesn't mean we're going to expect the worst Are we?" replies Jin to the gentleman who questioned. He's noticed a couple of older people talking trash about what they do. Clearly beginning to hate the idea of being in a community guided by someone younger than them and that is indefinitely.

Before it didn't matter, he'd come to evacuate them.

Now... A kid telling me what to do? It's all wrong. Whatever Namjoon says or does is in doubt and Jin wouldn't care if he didn't know how many people might agree with them.

This group was started by them. They have done everything to help. It is very unfair.

His comment helped keep them from saying anything else and with that the meeting ended.

~ * * * ~

"For now... let's rest nothing more" says Namjoon, in the room with everyone. Jimin hugs Bam, he seems to be his only support, as he is not given to the others getting close. There is no explanation for that. "Tomorrow or... or when you feel a little better, we talk more about all this" he proposes with weak and awkward gesture. "Or about whatever you want. As you see fit."

Jimin nods no more. He is in a strange stupor. He hasn't seen Wonho and Matthew. Maybe they haven't arrived yet?

"Weene... And Bimmy Are they here?"

Sempiternal: •D.E.A(live).D• || BOOK 4#Where stories live. Discover now