Ch. 1 - A Mother's Only Choice

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March, 2003

It was another week, the same routine. You were content with your routine. Dare you say...happy? 

You went up and down each aisle, clutching the shopping basket against your side and humming a quiet tune to yourself as you picked up a few groceries to last the rest of the week. You had a family to get home to: a husband who worked hard enough that you could stay home despite how on again, off again things were in your relationship, and a sweet, baby daughter of only one years old.
Technically she was nearly two, but you didn't want to rush things; she had already been reaching so many of her milestones. She was strapped to your back fast asleep as you finished your shopping. You could hear her tiny, snoozy breaths just behind your ear.

Despite how many hours your husband, Masaru, worked, money was always a little tight. He blamed it on the economy and you couldn't argue. He was right, the world was getting a bit rough. You offered to find work to help raise more money – not that you needed it, he made enough for the three of you to get by. But each time you brought up potentially finding a job, he quickly shot it down for various reasons. There was no arguing with him, he'd always find a way to combat your ideas, but it at least meant you could stay at home with Tsumiki. You took the perspective that he was trying to keep you safe, that he wanted Tsumiki to have consistent care. 

Once you completed your shopping run, you began your trek back home. The three of you lived in a small, two bedroom apartment in a village just two hours outside of Tokyo.

You waltzed up the stairs to the second floor where home was and struggled to get your key in the lock as clumsy you always would. Tsumiki was beginning to stir while strapped to your back. Eventually, you shoved the door open and plopped the bags on the counter before loosening the straps of the back carrier.

As you carefully undid the carrier with Tsumiki now happily playing in her playpen, Masaru sleepily exited the master bedroom. His hair was a complete mess and he was just in a white undershirt and boxers.

"Hey, honey," you greeted happily as the back carrier fell to the sofa. Your greeting was sweet as always, but this time you had to do a double take.

"Y/N..." he seemed startled to find you home. Your shopping trip was shorter than usual, but you hadn't realized just how routine your routine had become.

"What are you doing home so soon?" You shook your head in confusion, now wondering what he was doing at home. His usual arrival was around ten in the evening on Wednesdays, but it was only half past four.

You began to analyze his look as he searched his brain for an answer. You wondered how he was able to fit an entire nap in the middle of the day, particularly after the train ride home. "I-I...was able to get off early today..." But you suddenly knew as your eyes traced the neckline of his stretched out t-shirt. A hint of pink lipstick could be found on the collar. "As a reward for all of the long hours I've put in!" Genius.

"Where is she?" Your heart sunk, your voice as quiet as it could be. This wasn't the first time you had been in this position thanks to him. "Is she in there?" Your hand shook as you lifted it to point toward your shared bedroom.

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Masaru scoffed. "You're just being paranoid."

You were ignoring him, opting to walk straight toward the bedroom with wide eyes as your body fell into a panic. As he continued pleading with you to stop your search, you tore apart the bedroom. Clothing was strewn out of the closet, the bed skirt ripped left no stone unturned, but there was nothing, no one, to be found.

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