Ch. 13 - A Father's Comfort

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You looked up at Toji who still had his hands against your waist. You looked like a lost little doe as he looked down at you with a sense of hunger, predator and prey. Your racing heart returned for what felt like the millionth time, but it was accompanied by a certain familiar feeling between your legs, a feeling that you desperately wanted to reject. Memories of the day's earlier events rolled like a film strip through your mind.

Jumbled thoughts of confusion began to flow through your mind, your eyes darting toward a sleeping Megumi and then back at his dark-figured father looming over your smaller frame. Only his grin stood out, the moonlight's shadow reflecting off of his teeth.

"I-it's wrong," your voice hardly came out in a whisper. Your eyes were locked on the baby in his crib. 

Toji gently guided your chin upward, getting your attention back to him. "It's not wrong, I promise," he reassured you, his volume matching your own. His words said one thing, but the rabid smirk on his face said another.

Just as your eyes darted back to Megumi, Toji had captured your lips once more. The feeling was now familiar as his tongue easily made its way past your lips and teeth. 
You were gripping his muscular biceps for dear life as he pushed harder into you. His grip on your waist was about the same, pulling you closer to him to where you could now feel the individual definition of his muscles as well as what was waiting for you behind his thin, cotton pants.

Guilt and lust ripped and teared through your heart as if they were playing tug of war. Toji's pressure on your body gently guided you backward toward the wall until you were pressed against it, the bedroom door next to you. 
Toji expertly moved, one hand briefly leaving your waist to grab the doorknob and open the door. His lips continued to mesh with yours. A few of his stray hairs could be felt against your closed eyelids. Your hands had, at this point, moved to his shirt where they gripped the fabric for dear life. 

With the door open, Toji put his hand back to your waist and continued guiding you backward through the threshold until you reached the wall of the hallway. He repeated the motions with your bedroom door.

Once you were in the darkness of your bedroom, only the moon and television left on acted as light, Toji swiftly left you standing in purgatory as he turned around to silently close the door behind you.
But he returned as if he had never left, guiding you backward until you felt the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed. 

Toji's hands moved like lightning, quickly caressing your bottom until he was able to scoop you backwards. Your body fell back on the mattress, bouncing lightly. Your hands covered your mouth to keep back the little yelp from the sudden change in position.

Like some kind of animal ready to devour his meal, Toji crawled atop you, removing his shirt in the process to reveal sculpting like you had never seen before. Masaru looked like a mere worm in comparison to the man in front of you.
Somehow the dim light of the moon was able to pick out each rib and curve of his abdominal muscles. Each muscle look like it had been expertly carved by a god.

You tried to steady your breathing as he came back down to you, now pressing his hips into yours. Only in a nightgown, yet again, you could feel the throbbing of his length against your inner thigh. The thin fabric between you both was barely separating anything at that point. Your own feelings had intensified to a point where you could no longer resist. All that was left was to simply succumb.
You gasped as he pressed his hips down even further, rubbing himself against your softness. His kiss had now moved to your neck. The scratchiness of his stubble was hardly noticeable compared to the close attention he paid to sucking a hickey near your jugular.

There was something primal about the way that he moved. When he went for your nightgown, he tore it from you without any extra thought. The spaghetti straps certainly left marks but at this point you couldn't care less, you just wanted to be satiated, your hands desperately grabbing at the back of his head and your legs now wrapped around his waist. You weren't even thinking how your body was now on display save for your panties. 

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