Ch. 19 - A Father's Promise

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"Toji, you can't do that," you urgently responded as he began to get up from his seat to leave the restaurant. You quickly opened your purse to pay, a cross-body that you had kept on you for nights like this where you otherwise couldn't trust yourself to grab it when leaving places. 

"You don't have a say in it anymore," he grumbled as you caught up to him after paying for both of your ramen. "It needs to be done."

"Toji..." you begged, now tugging on the back of his t-shirt as he continued down the city streets. "Toji, stop!" You stopped your feet this time but he continued on, his shirt falling out of your grasp as he turned a corner.

You continued silently following him until he entered a love hotel. You followed him up to his room, which looked a complete mess, and watched as he prepared for his mission. 
You watched in horror as he shoved nearly his whole hand into his mouth to touch his uvula. He dry heaved, the noise loud and almost triggering for you, his other hand coming to his stomach from the lurching pain as he retrieved the worm. He tossed it on the ground and it began to unravel.
Toji began to grab various weapons from atop the bed, they looked to be freshly cleaned, and began feeding them to the worm who happily took them in. You tried to ignore the grotesque scene.

"Toji, please," you requested again, this time in a softer tone. 

He took a deep breath and stood up straight, turning his head toward you. "If I don't do this you'll never get Tsumiki. And Megumi will be in danger. I'm taking them both out...for our benefit."

You paused. The thought had crossed your mind on multiple occasions, but you always rejected the idea. Killing wasn't in your nature and you couldn't live with the guilt of killing someone, even if it was a complete stranger or someone who you utterly detested. 
But nothing...if you do nothing, was it really your fault? But then again...did you...want it to be your fault? You bit down on your bottom lip as you watched the worm curl up into a little ball again, Toji quickly swallowing it as if it were nothing. Something about his posture was animalistic, the way he stood he just oozed power. 

"Let me come with you," you suddenly chimed, voice shaking. 

Toji looked at you out of the side of his eye, trying his best to keep down the worm he had just swallowed. "My, my," he chuckled and turned towards you, "why the sudden change of heart?" He crossed his arms over his chest, feet spread apart. He looked intimidating

"I've just decided that you're right," you muttered. "The only way I want to get rid of my husband is this way. But...just this once," you swallowed hard. "Otherwise, you know how I condemn it."

"Sounds good to me," his grin was taunting you, curled up at the corners and just beckoning you in. "Will you give the final blow, princess?" He teased before turning to walk out the door.

Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob, you went up behind him with a gaze in your eyes so fiery. He looked back for just a moment after feeling the burning of your eyes on the back of his neck.

"Don't you mock me," you said with a powerful tone. The anger was apparent in your eyes. "These are our children, Toji. If this is what it takes to keep them safe, I'm willing to do it."

"Let's go save our children, then," he smiled down at you, your faces merely inches apart. 

The two of you held your gaze, facial expressions unmoving -- yours one of anger and defense and Toji's one of arrogant cockiness, a crooked grin sending chills down your body as if to signal the heavy beating of your heart. 

But then, as if reading one another's thoughts, you simultaneously pressed your lips together, a sense of urgency in your movements. All that could be heard were your fervent breaths as you nearly attacked one another.
Your hands quickly flew up Toji's shirt as his went straight for the zipper of your dress, hand moving down your body with your dress falling down your shoulders. In nearly a blink, the two of you found yourselves half-naked and backing up toward the bed. You had stepped out of your dress, still wearing your high heels. 
Toji fell backward onto the mattress as your body began to straddle him, his one hand catching his fall with the other wrapped snuggly around your waist. Your hips ground onto him, his usual cotton pants leaving very little to the imagination. Your body began to build with wretched anticipation, your center whining for his affection. 

With the two of you now safely on the bed, his hands went straight for your ass, giving you a tight squeeze and to hold you down as he ground his hips upward to you. Despite still wearing underwear, you felt instant gratification from his sudden, incessant desire for you. 
A low moan unexpectedly fell from his mouth as you playfully bit on his bottom lip. His hands then trailed up your back, going straight for the clasp of your bra. You sat up in order to remove it completely only to look down and find your lipstick smeared almost all across his face. 

With your chest now exposed in front of him, he immediately sat up and dove toward your neck. The stubble from his facial hair coming in caused goosebumps to rise up and down your neck and left arm. Your hand delicately caressed his back as you emitted breathy gasps from his touch. 

He then stood up with you in his arms and plopped you back down on the bed, his knees hitting the floor as one of his hands effortlessly slid your panties down. He tossed them away and went straight for your vulva. You squeaked as soon as you felt the heat of his mouth against your labia, tongue moving in circles against your clit, small shocks of pleasure moving up your spine with each little flick. 
His eyes were fluttered shut, hair beginning to stick to his forehead. His hands gripped your waist for dear life as he ate you away. The feeling became so overwhelming that your thighs clamped down on his ears, your ankles crossing behind his head as he went even deeper. 

Just as he felt your warm juices spill onto his tongue, your walls beginning to pulsate around his tongue, he pulled away. Standing straight, he pulled the single tie on his pants and shoved his boxer briefs to the ground.
Fully erect, a familiar desire began growing in both of your chests. As he knelt down on the side of the bed he began slowly pumping himself, a small dab of precum forming at the tip of his penis. 

Effortlessly, he dragged your ankles closer to him and forced your body to meet his at an angle. You felt the smoothness of his head against your vagina. A filling feeling overcame you as he pressed heavily into you, his pelvis meeting yours with a sigh of relief. 

"It's been far too long," he gave a low growl as he collapsed over you, his forearms propping up his torso as his lips went for yours again.

You could subtly taste yourself on his tongue, it tasted completely feral. Toji continued to grind down onto you, the cheap hotel bed squeaking with each heavy thrust. He put nearly his entire body weight into pressing into you, your cervix screaming with painful pleasure as he met it relentlessly. 

Your hands gripped the sheets next to you as tears formed at the corners of your eyes, running down your temples and into your hair as you looked down at him. He still held that cocky smile, his hands now holding your ankles above his shoulders. The look behind his eye was incredibly hungry, as if he had been starved for the past five years. 

As you let out your own moans of pleasure, a rhythm of others in the rooms next door could be heard. You were in a love hotel after all
Toji didn't bother keeping quiet either, his low groans sending you as he moved gracefully against you, sliding in and out with ease. Your own cries were like music to his ears, the times you had done it previously, needing to keep quiet, were too much to bear another time. He felt lucky to have been staying in such a place to get this chance with you. 

"Toji!" You cried out, back arching away from the mattress and the crown of your head pressing into it. 

Your body began spasming out of control on top of him, your body spilling onto him once again. His dick had a certain sheen from your juices. The feeling of your body pulsating around him, his own, thick veins pulsing madly with the need for release. 
A man with little cares, he allowed himself to spill into you with a final groan. His head fell back as his chest heaved for breath, your ankles still in their heels and still in his grasp. The pressure of his hold on you increased as he filled you, his head now swinging the opposite direction so his hair fell in his face. 

He looked up at you after a pause, his body still inside of you. His hair stuck to his forehead and beads of sweat rolled down his cheek. You, too, looked down at him breathlessly, your body still sparking with the electricity of your orgasm. 

"Now then," he breathed, shaking his head to get his hair away from his eyes, "let's go kill some bastards."

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