Ch. 18 - A Mother's Relief

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Kabuki-cho, the entertainment district best known for its host/hostess clubs was also a prime spot for restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. After the day's events, you were emotionally spent. You wanted to drink your sorrows away, something you hadn't done since your college days, before marriage even.

With the sun gone, you meandered the streets alone dressed in your best. Though things had been going poorly for you, to say the least, you had to admit that you Here you were, still young, single, and quite beautiful. Dare you say, you felt tasty.
There was a particular bar you had in mind, one from your college days that you used to spend your Friday nights with friends...and Masaru. The bartender there knew you by name and remembered your favorite drink. It felt good to reminisce on better times, the alcohol flooding your veins with a warm sensation. It didn't take very long for you to begin to see double. 

After a while, you felt the need to use the restroom. You turned on your bar stool and placed your feet firmly on the ground, double checking to make sure your heels had made it before looking up. That was when you saw...him.
Toji's tall, dark figure stood against the bar. He was drinking what looked to be just soda while looking up at a television playing a rerun of a baseball game. He looked just as he did five years prior, scar prominent on his lip and defined muscles hidden beneath a black t-shirt. 

"Toji?" You asked, nearly slurring his name, as you stopped next to him. He stayed facing the television, taking another sip from his glass. "Toji Fushiguro?" You repeated, this time catching his attention.

He slowly turned toward you with a smirk, holding a cocky expression though his thoughts were filled with surprise to see you...and to see you so dolled up, especially considering it was the middle of the week. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/N," he smiled through low lids, one arm propped on the bar top. 

"Toji," you shook your head in disbelief, seeing two of him through your liquor induced conscience, "where have you been?"

He remained silent and didn't answer with a flat expression, instead opting for a question of his own. "What brings you out to the red light this late on a Tuesday?"

You frowned deeply, already forgetting about your question. Your emotions poured like a flood, sudden tears flowing down your cheeks; you hardly worried about your mascara smudging down your cheeks. 

"Whoa, whoa," he chuckled, his voice low, "what's going on?"

You sighed to capture yourself, turning toward the bar to stand beside him. "Masaru took Tsumiki," your voice cracked as you held your closed fists on top of the bar. 

"That scumbag took her?" Toji asked for more clarification.

"He...came to the estate. In front of Naobito and with government officials. He served me custody papers saying the the Zenin estate was too dangerous for Tsumiki."

"And Megumi?" He asked a bit urgently.

"He's still there, I'm still taking care of him," you took a deep breath and looked over at Toji, your dark makeup surprisingly holding itself through your tears. "He should be asleep, he was when I left at least," you hiccuped. "The attendants there can help if he wakes up."

"So it sounds like Naobito paid them off because if it's 'too dangerous' for Tsumiki then it'd be 'too dangerous' for Megumi," he muttered, keeping his focus on you. His piercing gaze made your heart race just as it had those years ago. 

You felt your bottom lip quiver at the sudden realization. You didn't know why you hadn't thought of it earlier. It only made sense, why else would they be okay leaving an even younger child stay under your care at the so-called dangerous estate?

"I feel so stupid," you let your head fall into your hands as your body leaned on the bar.

"Come on," Toji removed himself from the bar and gently grabbed your wrist in the process to pull you along.

"Where are we going?" You asked, stumbling along with him, nearly rolling your ankle in the process. "I have to go to the bathroom!" You drunkenly whined. 

Toji remained silent as he guided you through the dimly lit, bustling streets of Kabuki-cho. "Don't worry, we'll get you to the bathroom in a minute. But first, I think you need something to eat and sober up a bit. Knowing you, you'd go to squat and fall right on your ass."

You stumbled along with him, feeling a mix of emotions and alcohol coursing through your veins. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and you couldn't believe you were sharing this moment with Toji after all of these years.
Toji led you to a nearby ramen shop, one of those tiny places tucked away in a narrow alley. The fragrant steam from the bowls of ramen wafted through the air, making your stomach growl in anticipation. The cozy atmosphere and the smell of food were a welcome distraction from the turmoil in your life.
He ordered a couple of bowls of ramen for both of you, and you sat down at the counter, still trying to process everything. As you slurped the delicious noodles and sipped on the savory broth, Toji watched you with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Y/N," he said after a moment, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you. "We need to figure out what to do about Tsumiki, for the sake of her and Megumi. This is more than just your ex messing with your life."

You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes again. "I just don't understand why Naobito would do this. He's been so...supportive, in his own way, since you stopped coming around."

Toji leaned in closer, his voice lowering. "It's not real, Y/N. He does whatever he thinks is best for himself, even if it means hurting others; including those in his own clan. If he's willing to pay off the cops because Masaru became an inconvenience, I can only imagine what the future would mean for Megumi if he stays there. Not to"

You looked at him, seeing a depth of understanding in his eyes that surprised you. To you, especially after being abandoned, he was still a killer set in his ways. Your outings those years ago did nothing to change him, so why the concern now? "Toji, why did you leave?"

He shrugged, a hint of a smirk returning to his face. "I'm a man with a job. I have to make money one way or another." Something behind his eyes told you he was lying, but you didn't want to pry too far -- at least not yet.

You couldn't help but smile at his cocky attitude. It was both infuriating and strangely comforting. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?"

Toji chuckled, his smile devilish. "Some things never change."

After you finished your ramen, you finally used the restroom. When you returned, you felt slightly more sober and composed. The tears had stopped, and you were ready to face the situation with a clearer mind.

"Toji, thank you for being here," you said as you sat back down at the counter. 

He stayed quiet, his facial expression dropping. He abandoned you, so why were you thanking him? "Right, sure," he finally responded. "How are you feeling?" He wanted to make sure you were sobering up properly. 

"Fine," you nodded with a small smile, your composure easily returning to you. "As good as I can be."

"Good," he said sternly, "because I need you to know that I'm going to kill them. Kill them both."

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