Ch. 20 - A Parent's Responsibility

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AN: Trigger warning, there will be violence in this chapter -- homicide.

The next morning you awkwardly went home and dressed into regular clothing, then met Toji at the station where the two of you would take a silent ride back to your former town. You were incredibly nervous and incredibly scared, but also incredibly determined. You knew what you were doing was wrong, but you had convinced yourself that this was the only way. You were fed up, to say the least.

The two of you stood outside of your old apartment's door. Toji looked down at you as you stood next to him. "Are you still okay with this?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you gave a single nod and took a deep breath. 

Toji then knocked heavily on the door. The two of you waited patiently and before you knew it, Masaru opened the door with a startled look on his face. 

"Y/N...Mat-" Masaru began but was quickly interrupted by Toji grabbing him by the neck, picking him off the ground, and walking into the apartment. You sheepishly followed behind and closed the door. 

Toji tossed the man back on the couch with an evil smirk. Masaru looked completely startled, eyes darting between the two of you. Your heart raced with fear as Toji continued to take the next steps. You suddenly weren't so sure anymore. 

"Well, Masaru," Toji began, suddenly hacking up the worm with ease. It's body slinked around his and produced a knife from between its lips. "It seems you've found yourself in quite a predicament. Care to explain why you took her daughter?"

"I-It's not safe," Masaru stuttered, "she wouldn't be safe around those...sorcerers!"

"As much as I agree with you, what about my son?" He asked.

"Y-your son?" Masaru asked, voice still trembling as he moved away from Toji, still on the couch as Toji continued to approach.

Toji bent forward and pressed the tip of the knife underneath Masaru's chin while the worm quickly dismounted from Toji's shoulder. "Yeah, my son," he repeated. "My name's not Matteo, dipshit," Toji snickered before forcing the knife through Masaru's chin, his tongue immediately being pierced as the knife came up through his mouth. 

Masaru screamed loudly, bloody murder even, his hands reaching up toward his mouth with nothing else to do. Tears began to fall from his eyes.

"You're gonna' regret hurting her," Toji laughed sadistically, removing the knife and quickly plunging it into his chest with ease. Killing regular, non-shamans was easy work. It paid quickly, too, when the murder wasn't for personal reasons. 

You watched onward with curious horror as Toji plunged the knife over and over, blood beginning to splatter all over the white couch. The life had long left Masaru's body as Toji continued his work. 

Now covered in blood, Toji came to a full stand and looked over at you. You were speechless but something about the look in his eye, the savagery of his feral nature, sent your heart into a tizzy. Your heavy breathing became evident.

"There, now you see the real me," Toji catches his own breath and tosses the dirtied knife toward the worm's direction on the floor. The worm began to ingest the weapon as you watched with a disgusted expression.

"What are you saying here, Toji?" You had suddenly made a connection regarding his disappearance. He stared at you, unmoving and eyes still low yet looking over at you. "That I can't be with a killer, someone violent? Or is it because of her? ...Megumi's mother?"

The color in his face drained upon your mentioning of her. He felt a mix of emotions. He wanted to put the knife against your throat next for even mentioning her but he also felt the truth in your words as well as a deep longing for you, something he hadn't felt since her

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