chapter 4: Secrets out.

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Hi readers! I just wanted to mention I decided to tweak a few of the conversations in the morning scene before the group leaves for the city in the prior chapter because of the reader feedback given to me. If you would like to mention a few parts of prior chapters that you would like to see edited/tweaked leave them in the comments. I'll try to get back to you as fast as possible. Thank you and enjoy the chapter!

8:00 am
The house

Jeremy wakes up and hears the sounds coming from the kitchen. Jeremy gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen to see Frye half awake, Shiver looking at her phone, and Big man making food.

Jeremy: Morning.

Frye: Ugggghhhhh.

Shiver: Morning Jeremy.

Big man: Hey Jeremy.

Jeremy: What's up with Frye?

Shiver: Not much of a morning person.

Jeremy: got it

Big man then turns around with some drinks and meals for Shiver and Frye. He places them down on the table and nudges Fyre to wake up.

Big man: Wake up Fyre, I made you some coffee.

Fyre gets up with an exhausted look on her face grabs the coffee and takes a sip.

Frye: Thanks.

Big man: here is your tea Shiver.

Shiver: Thank you.

Big man: Jeremy, want anything?

Jeremy: I'll take a water.

Big man: On it.

Shiver: Hey Jeremy check this out.

Shiver then shows Jeremy the front line of the newspaper she was reading. Its title said, "new member of the famous band deep cut?". Jeremy looked at it with a bit of worry. He didn't expect word to spread this fast, it was only a day ago when it happened.

Jeremy: Jeez one day and it's already like this?

Shiver: yup

Jeremy: I don't think I can show my face in there for a year!

Frye: you're fine as long as your with us!

Jeremy: Well guess that coffee kicks in quick.

Shiver: You should see her on that energy drink can Kraken, she bounces off the walls.

Frye: I'm not that bad.

Big man: You started a fire Fyre.

Frye: ALMOST started a fire thank you very much.

The group enjoys their breakfast for a while until Nova said something to Jeremy.

Nova: update 50%..... Must be brought to bunker A1 to fully update.

Jeremy: Hey guys do you think we can go back to the bunker today?

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