chapter 8: sharknado / meanwhile in splatsville

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Hi readers! Just want to give an explanation to the title, most of the chapter will take place in Alterna with Jeremy, but part of the chapter will show how the surface people react to the appearance and quick disappearance of Jeremy. I want to shake it up a bit so everyone isn't bored of the constant lore I'm adding to the Alterna arc. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter, criticism is welcome. Let the show begin!

6:00 am

As Jeremy makes it to the next site,
he finds himself surrounded by big green and blue shipping containers littering platforms, with more of the fuzzy ooze everywhere. On the right side of the sight, half submerged is a big black submarine, Jeremy decides to start there and work his way around to avoid most of the fuzzy ooze. As Jeremy makes it to the submarine he finds it up to his knees in water but decides to look around, Jeremy sees 2 windows on opposite sides of the submarine, a swivel chair facing brown wood desk at the very end of the submarine with a bulletin board full of pictures. Jeremy looks at the bulletin board to see blueprints of the submarine, a world map, many pictures of famous places and monuments, and a tape recorder. Jeremy plays the tape recorder and it starts running.

Log 0

Finally I have something to record on that won't track my every word *ahem* this is it, I finally can escape and see the world outside again! They always said "Oh Warner are you crazy!" or "Oh Warner why would you want to go back there, we have everything we need here." ABSOLUTE LIES. People aren't meant to be stuck in caves, we are meant to live in the fresh air and not this artificial landfill we call Alterna! Now in the small chance this plan doesn't work I could always go with plan B, it's a bit risky but if I can over through that blind old hag Rebecca out of her rule as founder than I can finally use this rocket idea I first came up with to pierce that awful fake sky that old hag made. Now them with everything set and ready to go, its time that I test this thing out. Warner out.

End of log 0.

Jeremy stands there confused with a unsure expression on his face that is noticed by Nova.

Nova: Jeremy are you feeling alright? it seems your bodies mood has changed.

Jeremy: I'm fine, I just I feel like I had heard that name "Rebecca" before, but I can't seem to remember.

Nova: From what I have been able to piece together from these logs, Lucy was the former founder until someone overthrow through some way. My best guess for who over throwed her was this fellow named "Warner".

Jeremy: That would make sense.

Jeremy looks back to the bulletin board to see a picture of the group of scientists seen in one of the articles he read, but something was different. This picture had all the faces of the scientists but the one that was censored was fully visible, it was a woman with long ginger hair and big glasses, it was Jeremy's mother. Jeremy is shocked and does a double take before holding it close knowing he had something to remember her by.

Nova: Is everything alright Jeremy? It seems like your emotions have changed in a drastic way.

Jeremy: Yes...everything is fine.

Jeremy grabs all the photos off the board and the worlds map brings them out of the submarine and back to his tent before continuing on his mission. Jeremy goes into the nearest kettle, landing in the same square room he always started in before each area in a kettle, the only difference being he doesn't have a weapon. Orca notices this and talks to Jeremy.

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