chapter 11: The boy and the cat

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Guess who's back! *cricket noises* oh yeah it's been a bit since I've uploaded a new chapter huh? Well I got good news for you! Get your favorite snack of choice and get ready to read over 4,000 words in this chapter!

Now sit back and let the show begin!
Judd's house

Judd lays awake in bed thinking about the conversation he had with the girl Ruby back in that diner.


Ruby: So I don't have much but I had found through some of the security camera footage in the city more shots of the human.

Ruby pulls out a laptop and plays a video showing Jeremy and Ash entering Alterna through a grate on the surface. The video doesn't show Ashes face but there are multiple clear shots of Jeremy and his full face.

Judd: Do you have any more footage?

Ruby: Unfortunately the bread crumbs end here, I haven't been able to find anything concrete on the matter past this.

Judd: *sigh* Well thanks for the info.


Judd: I swear every lead I follow always brings me to dead ends. Well better get some rest for tomorrow, got to make sure I'm awake when I'm judging the turf battles.


Jeremy opens his eyes and is happy to finally be back home for once, getting out of bed he stretch's and opens the door to see it the trio enjoying their breakfast.

Jeremy: Morning.

Shiver: Good morning.

Frye: Morning Jeremy!

Bigman: Morning buddy.

Jeremy walks over to the fridge and opens it up, he grabs a carton of milk and a box a cereal from the cabinet. Grabbing bowl Jeremy pours the cereal in.

Shiver: You put cereal before the milk?

Frye: That what everyone does.

Shiver: No it should be milk then cereal so the cereal doesn't get soggy!

Frye: Oh please as long as you eat it quick enough your fine.

Shiver: Well I'm not scarfing down my food like you.

Frye: It not scarfing I just eat fast.

Bigman: Alright you two we all know that we have milk on the side.

Frye/Shiver: What?!

Jeremy then grabs a spoon and begins to eat the cereal without milk, the trio look at him with shocked and confused face.

Jeremy: What? Cereals better without the milk.

Shiver: Well anyway, we wanted to show you one last place in town.

Jeremy: what is it?

Shiver: It's called the the battle lobby tower.

Jeremy: Are there a lot of people there?

Frye: Yes BUT as long as you keep your disguise on you'll be fine.

Jeremy: I don't know, the whole stunt I pulled with catching that falling support beam almost got me caught and that was a little less than a week ago.

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