Chapter Six

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I never thought the sun would shine on the worst day of my life. I'd hoped such a day would never come. Indah had been the best friend possible to me; and to let this happen to her! I wiped my tears away. I'd tried to avoid this day, but not hard enough. I shut my eyes against the memory of the fight in the kitchen. I pounded my fist into the ground. How could he do this to me? To us? How could he take away the one thing most precious to me?! I narrowed my eyes at his diminishing form as he walked back to the house, and repeated Rosina's earlier sentiments. I had no idea he could be so cold. Heartless. I found it staggering to comprehend how he could say he was my father on one hand, then turn around and sell my beloved horse without blinking an eye, and then continue to live equably as if nothing had changed.

I struggled to stop the scream threatening to be released, knowing if I let go, he would hear and come back and find me. I did not want that. It would only mean.... I shook my head to get rid of the thought, and burst into tears instead. The sobs shook my body- I was a trembling mess in the middle of a paddock. It was only when I felt a familiar puff of warm air on my back that I calmed. Indah's muzzle brushed against me softly, and I let out a giggle when she started licking me, and swatted her playfully. I heard a groan and thud behind me, and peered curiously over my shoulder. When a hoof appeared beside me, I frowned, and turned around.

"My dear, dear girl. What are you doing?" I asked her softly. She had lain down behind me, and now I sat next to her belly with her front legs practically wrapped around me. She simply stared at me with such a loving expression on her face, I felt like I was her foal. Indah reached her head as far as she could around me, to press me to her. I melted. How could I live without this horse? I wrapped my arms around her neck and let my tears flow.

I don't know how long we stayed like that. It felt like hours. I lifted my head to the sky. It must have been hours. It was dark. I started when I felt a hand on my shoulder, but instantly relaxed when I realised it was my mum. I opened my mouth to speak, but she shushed me, wrapped a blanket around me and planted a kiss on my forehead before walking back into the night. I smiled, and snuggled into Indah again. I had not felt so peaceful for a long, long time, and refused to think that it might be the last time ever. I let out a sigh, and promptly fell asleep.


I woke to the sound of shouting. My eyes flicked open, and just as quickly shut against the morning sun. I winced as realization set in. My father always had his way, no matter what came up against him. Today was simply the day that he triumphed over me. Tears welled up in my eyes, to my own amazement. I didn't think I could cry any more for the amount of tears I shed last night. I set my jaw and refused to let them spill over. I would not let my father hold that over me as well. I stroked Indah's side. I was surprised she stayed with me all night, but was glad she had. I rested my head on her shoulder. Never again would I be able to sit like this with her; I was going to make the most of the last day I had with my beautiful girl.

My supposed final day was brought to a sharp closure before it had even begun. My father marched over with some burly man, who, I later learned, was Frank; my mother followed close behind. The two men wrenched me away from Indah's side and simultaneously kicked her up. I didn't bother protesting the fact he had broken his word about Sunday. It would be pointless. I knew it was because I'd pissed him off yesterday, probably beyond repair, and this was his counter-attack. I looked at her, and what I saw is burned into my memory. Our expressions were mirrored- both startled, afraid, angry- yet in the midst of the wild commotion the two men made around us, we locked eyes and the connection that passed between us was so powerful, I froze. My father pushed me and I stumbled forward, but did not break eye contact. The memories of all the years I had with her flashed before my eyes. I saw all the love we had for each other, the proof of the bond we had. She knew what was happening. She knew I couldn't save her. She knew. And it broke my heart. She knew this was good bye.

Just before the men closed the tail gate on the float, she strained her head to see me and nodded her head so hard her blonde mane flew around her face- she looked like she was standing in a cloud of icing sugar. She uttered such a quiet neigh, it seemed only I heard it. She stared at me, and closed her eyes. Then she was gone.

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