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August 12, XXXX

I'll try to keep this entry short as today will be a busy day.

About two months ago, Diluc finally came home. Since Father's death, he had been adventuring around Teyvat. Aside from the occasional letter and asking our mutual friends, I heard very little of him those past four years.

Since he's returned our relationship has felt quite strained. As children, we were inseparable, but now, he feels so distant. Even when I'm there with him, it still feels like he's on the other side of Teyvat.

It's unfair of me to ask him to change his behavior, granted I don't know what he's experienced these past four years, but it would be nice to be let in. I want to be there for him, like how he is there for me.

That might seem like a big ask, though. I do understand that time was unkind to him as it was to me too.

In his absence, I have been governing Monstadt as a stand-in queen. Though I do not have nearly as much knowledge as Diluc on certain matters, I have been able to keep the peace in Mond.

Today, though, is going to be a day of celebration.

As per decree, there will be no work today as we gather together to celebrate this momentous occasion. The kingdom is to celebrate Diluc, both for his safe return and because it is his coronation.

I know Diluc will be a wonderful king. He's always been a very selfless person, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure a prosperous future for Mondstadt. I just know Mother and Father are proud of him.

As for me, I'll go back to my regular princess duties. Thankfully, they aren't as demanding as ruling the kingdom.

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A gentle knock on your door sounds. You set the journal on your bedside table and let the ink dry. With a sigh, you get up from your bed, alerting the white cat who sat next to you. The cat's cerulean eyes glanced at you as he let out a quiet mew.

"Come in," you call. The door cracked open and Adelinde's figure could be seen.

"Princess Y/N, I'm here to help you prepare for His Highness' coronation."

"Thank you Adelinde," you smiled.

With that, she entered your room and closed the door behind her. Once she is inside, she leads you to the mannequin she kept your dress on. It was an ankle-length white dress with red accents. On the mannequin, it seemed rather simple, but you and Diluc had planned matching accessories to elevate the look.

"Well, the dress isn't going to wear itself," Adelinde joked as she gently took the dress from the mannequin.

After putting the dress on, and doing your hair, you take a step back and look in the mirror. The dress compliments your figure perfectly.

You dig through your jewelry box and hold up a simple silver necklace. A diamond-shaped ruby pendant dangles from the chain. With Adelinde's help, you put it on, letting the gem rest on your collarbone. With the addition of a matching tiara, earrings, and white gloves that go to your elbows, you were ready.

"You look gorgeous Princess Y/N," Adelinde said. "Don't forget His Highness wants to see you before today's festivities."

"Thank you Adelinde," you nod.

"No need to thank me."

The two of you leave your room, with her closing the door behind you. You didn't get too far before a playful voice reached your ears.

"My, my, Princess! Stunning as ever, I see."

"Good morning to you too, Sir Kaeya," you laughed. The navy-haired male smiles at you.

You, Kaeya, and Diluc have known each other since you were children. You and Diluc first met Kaeya when one of the maids found him outside during a storm. Since he had nowhere else to go, they brought him to your father. Everyone believed King Crepus would make Kaeya a stablehand, but to their surprise, your father took him in and raised him alongside you and Diluc.

A few years after meeting him, Kaeya took an interest in joining the Knights of Favonius, which was tasked with both guarding the royal family and dealing with any threats to Mondstadt. When he joined, he quickly rose through the ranks, allowing him to serve as a personal knight to the royal family. He, just like Diluc, was someone you could always turn to if you ever needed anything.

"Where to, Princess?" the knight asked.

"Diluc's chambers," you replied. "Adelinde said he wanted to speak with me." The knight's blue eyes twinkled as he smirked.

"Ah, it's still so hard to believe His Highness is back in Mondstadt after so long."

"I suppose," you shrug. "I'm happy he's home."

The two of you arrive at Diluc's door. You raise a gloved fist to the wood and knock. A muffled 'come in' was heard. You twisted the doorknob, letting yourself in.

Your eyes widened when you saw your brother's attire. He wore a black dress shirt with white pants. A diamond-shaped ruby, similar to your necklace, adorned his black ascot tie. To complete the look, he wore a white blazer with a diamond ornament pinned to his lapel and black gloves.

"You look wonderful Diluc," you complimented.

"You as well. It appears I may have to fight off any of your potential suitors," he joked. His lips subtly curve upwards. You noticed he wasn't as expressive as he used to be, so you learned to treasure his little displays of emotion.

"You don't need to fight my battles for me, brother," you replied. "In the time you were gone, I've learned to fight them myself."

Regret filled your mind as soon as you finished that sentence. The small smile on Diluc's face disappeared, suddenly making you feel even worse.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about," he sighed as he tied his fiery locks into a low ponytail.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking," he took a deep breath, fixing his gaze on you. "I've been a really terrible brother to you the past four years.

"I left you to take care of a kingdom when you were still trying to cope with the loss of Father. I barely wrote to you. I missed your coming of age.

"And yet, when I came back, you welcomed me home with open arms. I wouldn't have blamed you if you yelled at me or didn't talk to me. I deserve that kind of treatment.

"My responsibilities, and thensome, were dumped on your shoulders because I was incredibly selfish and chose to run from my problems. I'm truly sorry for not being there for you, and I swear I'll find a way to make it up to you," he finished, sincerity swirling in his crimson hues.

A silence settled between you two before you walked towards your brother. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. After overcoming the initial shock, Diluc mirrored your actions. You two stayed like this until your brother noticed your tiara slipping. He pulled away first, straightening your crooked tiara.

"Diluc, you and I have both read through Mother's journals. She wrote in one of them that everyone processes grief differently. You processed it by stepping away from your responsibilities. I processed it by delving into mine. The way you handled it is nothing to apologize for.

"What's important is that you came back, and it's evident to me that your time away from Mond has only strengthened your devotion to its people. I truly believe you'll make an excellent king," you smiled.

"I left Mond for four years. Now I come back and my little sister is a wise, young woman," Diluc mused. "I definitely missed a lot." You laughed at his words.

"And we have all the time in the world to make up for it, but now, we need to go greet our guests."

You and your brother left his room, smiles were plastered to both of your faces, though yours was more noticeable. Sir Kaeya trailed behind you two to ensure you got to your destination safely.

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