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I lied I didn't break up the journal entry this chapter, but it's a continuation of the previous entry.

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August 13, XXXX (continued)

After the banquet and the coronation ceremony, we held a celebration gala. I'm not too fond of galas, but I found this one enjoyable. The finest musicians and performers were present to entertain nobles from all over Teyvat. Venti the bard was quite the crowd pleaser.

It certainly was entertaining to see some familiar faces, like General Gorou. Last I saw him was over two years ago. I had met him with Grand Master Varka to discuss some military strategies. I wasn't as versed in that area of expertise, but they were both very patient with me.

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"Ah, Princess Y/N," he bowed. "Lovely to see you again."

"General Gorou," you greeted. "Likewise."

"How have you progressed with training?" he asked with a smile.

When Grand Master Varka had you accompany him to Inazuma to meet General Gorou, the general suggested that you learn how to defend yourself, as most nobles in other kingdoms have that knowledge. Even Varka agreed.

You knew Diluc could defend himself. He had been training to use a claymore since you were kids, but you never wielded a weapon before. Father didn't think Mother would let you.

After some hesitation, you agreed. Varka personally trained you to use a polearm. When he was away on expeditions, he trusted Kaeya to continue your training.

Kaeya, well, had a different idea in mind for your training. He believed it would be ironic if Mondstadt's prim and proper princess was well versed in the art of sword fighting, so he taught you how to wield a sword in addition to improving your polearm skills.

Though neither of you told Varka, you were sure he knew. After all, hardly anything gets past Varka.

"Training has been well," you answered. "I hope you enjoy the festivities, General."

"Thank you," he said before excusing himself.

The musicians were repositioning themselves to play a waltz, the first waltz of the evening. You searched the crowd for Kazuha, since you promised him a dance. Before you could find your friend, you found Diluc.

"Y/N," he said. "I want to have the first waltz as king with you." Your brows furrowed.

"But aren't you going to dance with Lady Jean?"

"I have the rest of the night to do that," he responded.

"I feel guilty for not being there at your coming of age. Since Father is no longer here, I was supposed to dance with you then, but I didn't. Please, let me make up for it."

You sighed. You knew how stubborn your brother was, so with a gentle smile, you agreed. Diluc held a gloved hand out to you, which you gladly accepted. Guests cleared the floor as he led you to the center of the ballroom.

Your left hand sat atop Diluc's right. His free hand was placed on your waist, while your other hand was on his shoulder. Several other pairs of dancers joined you and your brother on the floor.

The gentle sound of the violin floated through the air. With a slight smile, Diluc started to lead you through the dance.

"Again, I'm sorry for not being there at your coming of age," your brother whispered during the waltz.

"It's okay."

"Who stole your first dance?" he joked.

"Kazuha," you smiled. "He's quite the dancer."

Diluc's gaze softened as he twirled you. "Well, I guess I'll have to thank him."

"I don't think you have to," you replied. "He's my friend. I would've done the same for him if he were in my position."

With that, the music slowly started to fade, signaling the end of the waltz. Both you and Diluc stepped back from one another, ending the dance with a curtsy and a bow, respectively.

"If you'll excuse me, I believe you have a lady to dance with," you teased.

"And you have a certain lord looking for you," he quipped.

You turned away from your brother, scanning the sea of faces until you caught sight of a familiar head of platinum hair and its noticeable scarlet streak. A smile broke onto the man's face when he saw your figure approaching him.

He bowed at you. "Princess."

"Lord Kazuha," you curtsied. "I apologize for not sharing that dance with you."

"It's alright, Y/N."

"Would you like to join me for the next waltz?" you asked, (E/C) eyes meeting his crimson ones. A smile erupted on your friend's face, making the corners of his eyes scrunch up.

"It would be a pleasure." You held your hand out to Kazuha, who took it with no hesitation. You tugged him towards the dance floor.

You glanced back at your friend with a bright smile on your face. "I hope you practiced," you laughed.

"What are you implying?" he teased. "If I'm not mistaken, when we danced at your coming of age, you said I was an excellent dancer."

"You are, but that was a year ago Kaz-"

You cut yourself off as you felt your body make contact with something else. Eyes widened when you saw who you ran into.

"Prince Ayato," you squeaked. "My apologies."

Ayato's frost-colored eyes flickered to your hand, which was intertwined with Kazuha's. A smirk formed on his face.

"No, Princess, my apologies. I should have watched where I was going," he said. "I hope you and Lord Kazuha enjoy your evening."

"You as well," you nodded before leaving Ayato.

A snicker from the lord reached your ears. "Not another word," you stated. "Or I'll drop your hand and we won't dance."

"You're cruel, Y/N," he pouted.

Once you brought Kazuha towards the middle of the ballroom, a different song started to play. The piano melody floated in the air, accompanied by a violin and some subtle vocal accompaniment from Mondstadt's favorite bard.

The male stood directly in front of you and offered you a bow. With a cheeky smile, you curtsied. The two of you took a step forward, lessening the distance between you. He took your left hand in his right and gently placed his free hand on your shoulder. You mirrored his action, letting him lead you through the waltz.

A warm smile plastered itself onto Kazuha's face. Care and gentleness were evident in his crimson eyes. His delicate features seemed to glow in this light.

"Are you ready?" he asked with a playful glint in his eyes. Your smile only widened at the lord.

"Of course."

His hands trailed down to your waist as yours made their way to his shoulders. With a nod from him, you jumped, letting him lift you in the air. The other pairs dancing performed a similar action. A giggle escaped your lips as Kazuha spun you. When your feet touched the ground, you two continued to dance until the music died down. Once more, you and Kazuha parted and bowed, signaling the conclusion of the waltz. Applause erupted from the onlookers.

"You are a beautiful dancer, Y/N," he grinned.

"You as well, Kazuha."

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