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I experimented a bit by breaking up the journal entry. Let me know what you think because I plan to do this in the next few chapters too! Enjoy!

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August 13, XXXX

My chest swelled with so much pride yesterday when I saw Father's crown adorning Diluc's fiery hair. I hope Mother and Father are looking down on us, happy for what we've accomplished and excited for the future of Mond.

The coronation, banquet, and other festivities were very enjoyable. I was fortunate enough to meet Diluc's friends who helped him during his time away from home. I may never fully know what happened to him those past four years, but I'm thankful for their presence in Diluc's life.

I think my favorite part of the day was either the banquet or the celebration gala.

Did I mention that Diluc is really trying to repair our relationship? Only his close friends were meant to be invited to the banquet, but he invited mine as well. Maybe this is a start.

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You and Diluc walked side by side to the castle's banquet hall. After entering the huge set of double doors, you two saw the maids quickly setting places for everyone. Your brother turns to you.

"I'll go make sure they set enough places," Diluc said. "Why don't you welcome any guests that come in early," he suggested.


With that, you stand outside the banquet hall doors while Diluc rushes to the kitchen. You spot a man with platinum hair and observative crimson eyes walking in your direction. A gentle smile graced his features when he caught sight of you. Once he was directly in front of you, he bowed.

"Princess Y/N," he greeted.

"Lord Kazuha," you curtsied.

"It is truly an honor and a pleasure to be invited back to Mondstadt for such an occasion."

"We greatly appreciate your company," you laughed, signaling to the man it's okay to drop the formalities.

"How's Tatsu?" Kazuha asked, referring to the cat he had given you last year for your birthday.

A smile lit up your face. "Tatsu is wonderful! He loves to laze around in the windowsills or in the library," you chirped. "I took your suggestion from your last letter. He now has a bell tied around his neck with a ribbon. That way I can hear him when he sneaks about."

"That's good to know," he chuckled.

"Here, let me show you to your seat. The lunch won't start until a little later."

"Alright," he smiled. You lead the man into the banquet hall and look for his name card among the table setting. Once you find it, you gesture towards his seat, which he gladly takes. You turn on your heels, ready to go back outside when Kazuha's voice reaches your ears.

"Wait, Y/N, I apologize if this is too forward, but can you save me a dance at the gala tonight?"

"Of course," you beamed. "You're one of my closest friends. A dance with you goes without saying."

"Thank you, Princess."

With a smile, you go back to your place outside the banquet hall, greeting the guests that file in.

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Diluc's friends, though, are quite interesting.

I'm already well acquainted with the Kamisatos. Princess Ayaka is another one of my closest friends. She, along with Prince Ayato, brought Lady Kokomi.

Lady Kokomi is a very beautiful woman, though she's always buried in work. It's a miracle she cleared an entire week to spend it in Mond with us.

Another surprise was Prince Xiao of Liyue. I do not know much about him, but I do know Xiao is not one to go to social gatherings. I wouldn't be surprised if Diluc forced him to come.

In the past, Diluc was not one to get along with Prince Ajax of Snezhnaya. To see him at the banquet was quite the shock. He still is the same playful boy I tried to avoid as a child. I suppose some things just don't change.

One of the last people I expected him to invite was the Prince of Sumeru. I've met him before, only to discuss diplomatic relations, so I knew very little about him. I was only aware of his guarded nature. I suppose he and Diluc are similar in that sense, as well as their immense devotion to their respective kingdoms.

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Midway through the meal, the finest wine from the Dawn Winery was brought out and poured into everyone's glasses. With a smile, you stood from your seat, all eyes fixed on you as you did so.

"Firstly, thank you all for what you have done for my brother. You were the ones who supported him in his darkest times and were there for him when I couldn't be. Without you, I doubt I would've seen him again.

"Of course I would also like to thank you all for coming to Mondstadt to help us celebrate Diluc's coronation. I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here.

"Now, I propose a toast" you paused, raising a glass of wine. "May this be a prosperous new beginning for our respective kingdoms. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" the guests repeat.

You sit back into your chair before sipping your wine.

"So, Y/N," Kazuha called. "What do you plan to do now that you've been relieved of Diluc's duties?"

"Well, I plan to spend more time reading. It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to read for leisure," you chuckled. He nodded at your words.

Prince Alhaitham's sharp gaze falls on you. "I would be more than happy to give you a few book recommendations," he suggested. You smiled at his words. 'After all, Sumeru is the kingdom of wisdom.'

"Thank you Alhaitham."

Conversation in the banquet hall flowed like the wine in everyone's glasses. You realized it was very easy to talk with them. Maybe that's why Diluc befriended them all.

After a while, Adelinde came to Diluc's side. "Your Highness, it's almost time for your coronation," she said. Diluc quickly checked his pocket watch and nodded.

"Thank you, Adelinde," he whispered.

Your brother turned to his guests. "Thank you all for joining me for this banquet," he said. "The coronation ceremony starts in two hours. If you will excuse me, I need to make a few preparations. I trust that Y/N will take you all to the cathedral after you're finished with your plates."

You gave your brother a reassuring smile. He excused himself and left the dining hall as the rest of the guests continued their meal.

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I looked up Kazuha's height for ✨research purposes✨ and I found out he's taller than me, so by extension, Scaramouche, Heizou, Venti, and Xiao are all taller than me 😭😭😭

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