298 21 8

August 19, XXXX

I'm sad that many of our guests are leaving tomorrow, especially Kazuha and Ayaka. The three of us have known each other since we were kids, making those two my closest friends. Last night, the three of us had a sleepover, reminiscent of the ones we had as children.

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A gentle knock on your door drew your attention. It has been a few hours since sundown, so there was no reason for anyone to be at your door. With a sigh, you stood from your bed and walked to your door. Once you pulled it open, two people excitedly greeted you.

"Hi!" Kazuha beamed. Next to him, stood Ayaka who smiled at you.

"What are you two doing?" you asked in surprise.

"Well," Ayaka replied sheepishly, "remember all the times we'd sleepover as kids? Why not have one of those for old time's sake." A goofy grin made its presence known on your face.

"Come in," you said as you waved them into your room. Kaeya, who stood by your door, only chuckled.

"Don't worry," he reassured, "I won't say a word." After thanking the knight, you closed the door and turned to your friends.

Ayaka and Kazuha both sat in your bed. There was a very rough wind blowing outside, which caused Tatsu to snuggle into your pillow. Once he felt the presence of guests on your bed, he trotted over to Kazuha and sat on his lap.

"It's nice to know he still remembers me," Kazuha mused while petting the cat. With a laugh, you joined them on your bed.

"So what's new?" you asked them.

"Not too much," Ayaka sighed, "but Ayato is wanting me to be married off in the coming years."

"What!?" you exclaimed. "I hardly think that's fair, especially since he's not even married."

"That's what I said," Kazuha laughed.

"Are there any suitors in mind?" you questioned. Your frost-haired friend shook her head.

"No. Ayato said he wants to arrange something that would let all the eligible suitors in Teyvat have a fair chance of marrying me, but he also wants to give me the freedom to choose who I wed."

"I smell a ball in the future," you joked, stealing laughs from the two.

"Y/N, have you heard the rumors going around?" Kazuha joined in. "The ones of us being betrothed?"

"Please don't get me started on those," you groaned. "Many of the people present at those events are just there to spread rumors. Once they see two royals together who usually aren't together, they go feral. It's maddening!"

"Rumors are rumors," Ayaka started, "There's nothing we can do to stop them."

"Unfortunate," Kazuha sighed.

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As the night drew on, we talked about anything and everything we could – from political endeavors to festival planning. Our little sleepover made me realize how much I miss talking to Ayaka and Kazuha candidly. I'll miss them dearly when they go back to Inazuma. On the bright side, now that I have less responsibilities, I have more time to send and reply to their letters.

This morning, we were making final preparations to send our guests back to their kingdoms, when an unexpected turn of events took place. It has led me to believe that the Archons just love messing with human affairs.

ミ 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 | 𝘒𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘩 彡Where stories live. Discover now