the best

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in which, jennie is at that time of the month and lisa being the best girlfriend she could ever ask for.


"Ow... hm..."

The sound of needy whimpers broke Lisa from her trance of slumber. Squinting her eyes, she could see the red digital clock showcasing the hour of 2 in the morning. Rolling onto her left side, there she saw her beautiful girlfriend curled up into a ball, clutching her stomach.

"Oh- Jennie! Are you alright? What's going on?" Due to her sudden awakening, her voice was still raspy. She touched the girl's arm, soothing it with her thumb. Jennie glanced up, shutting her eyes back shut as she felt her muscles contract again.

"Hm, y-yeah. I just started my period yesterday so... I'm fine, just get some sleep." Lisa perched up on her forearm, asking if her lover needed anything to which she wavered her off and faced her back towards her.

"I'll be right back, babe." She leaned over, giving the brunette's hair a quick kiss before jumping out of bed. Lisa made her way to the kitchen, blinking her eyes from the sleep, as she mostly used her hands to search for the things necessary.

Jennie was left alone on the bed for a few minutes, wondering where Lisa went. Was she being too rude with her? That's why Lisa went away? She thought for a moment, guilt consumed her and her tired eyes began to glisten with salty tears.

But, then the Korean heard the door creak, signalling her girlfriend was back. She sat on to the brunette's bedside, carefully guiding Jennie to sit up properly. A mug filled with hot tea approached her lips as she took tiny sips for her parched throat.

"Here, take this, baby. Carefully." Lisa guided her girlfriend into taking the painkiller. She took a few more sips of the drink before deciding to lie down in which receiving a hot water bottle for her cramps. Jennie was snuggly tucked in as Lisa joined her, engulfing her with her long arms.

Lisa wished her a goodnight as well as an 'I love you', not before pecking her pillowy lips though. She heard a tiny reply, knowing what Jennie was trying to say and they both peacefully drifted off to sleep.


Lisa sat in her small office cubicle, typing away on her computer. She was at work, exhausted, but her next break would be in 2 hours and she really needed to finish filling out this document.

Then the work phone rang.

The Thai picked it up ready to say the usual lines, "Good evening! This Lisa Manoban speak-"


She heard her princess's voice through the phone. Perplexed, Lisa asked her why she was calling her workplace's phone when she has her number.

"I know you don't answer calls from your phone when your working so..." Jennie trailed off. She was then asked why she was calling in the first place. "Lisa~ Would you do me a big favour, please~" Lisa could practically hear the cute, little pout plastered on her lover's lips.

"What is it this time, Nini?" She smiled.

She heard the older girl hum before speaking back into the phone. "I know you're working, but can you pretty please go out to buy me some pads? There's none left and I'm feeling lazy." She used her whiney voice.

Lisa hissed, "I'm sorry, Nini, but my break is in two hours. Can you wait?"

"Please~ I'm already on the toilet and there's none. You don't want me to be sitting here for long, do you?" The younger woman rubbed her hand over her face, thinking about the future consequences if she agreed to her girlfriend's request. The punishment would be harsher this time since Lisa had snuck out of work plenty of times and received horrible scoldings. She thanked the heavens her boss was too nice or else she would've lost her job long ago.

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