smooth criminal [M]

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requested by jenlisaforever97

in which, criminal lisa succeeds in part of her plan to be transferred to the hospital. newbie nurse jennie has been assigned to monitor and take care of a certain criminal.


Clamorous blather filled the cafeteria room causing a natural reaction out of Lisa Manoban to curse under her breath. She hated prison. She hated all of the loud inmates that reeked of rotten stench, how all of them pretended to act like they were superior among others.

Lisa was sat, solitary in her own space, in the very corner of the food court. She did her usual, observing every scum her eyes laid upon. She had been appointed inside the men's building instead of the women's because of her peculiar extra appendage she possessed in the south. At least if she was in the women's she would've had some pussy to fuck whenever.

God, she couldn't wait to get of here.

Oh, wait. Lisa mentally laughed. I'm never supposed to get out.

The Thai criminal did not hold a single ounce of regret in her unlawful actions. Convicted of murder. Her cheating ex and her side dick deserved it anyway. She can vividly remember the stupid looks on their faces as she held the axe up high, slashing down with no mercy. All she could see was red. But this time wasn't love, it was blood.

Lisa was forced out of her reverie when an officer threw some enveloped letters beside her dinner. "Letters, from your dear admirers, Ms Manoban." And then the man left. She could barely even glance at those letters of affection. She knew all those anonymous ladies were just bullshitting her. How they would fawn over her looks and saying how they'd be a better girlfriend than her ex.

No one would love a murderer.

The convict threw those letters away in the bin along with her lunch, why would she be reading pathetic junk when she had her plan ready to execute?

Lisa had stored quite the intellectual plan for her grand escape— and no, it did not include digging up a big hole in her cell with a toothbrush. It was all really simple, she just had to be extra careful with this one.

Nighttime had arrived shortly after, and every inmate was locked inside their shared cells. Lisa was smoking some cigarettes she had bribed some officer to give every week, thinking about the next few hours to come. And then, she'd be out of this hell hole.

9 o'clock sharp, the prisoners were let out of their cells for breakfast. While some ran outside, lifting weights daily, Lisa stayed inside where her target was locked in her sight.

After one whole year in prison, it was enough for the Thai to observe and collect data in one's behaviour. And she chose Kim Youngdae as her victim. She knew the boy had one hell of a temper, shorter than the vast majority, and it was perfect for her plan. Lisa should've felt bad since his sentence was ending in the next two years, he was still in his youth and it wasn't entirely his fault for stabbing his teacher, his poor condition was Lisa's advantage and soon he would be staying in this horrid place for a lot more to come.

Lisa contained her grin as she approached the young lad who was minding his own business. No one really wanted to sit with a kid with anger issues.

She sat in the chair opposite him, plopping her food tray down aggressively. His gaze shifted onto the intruding subject, his head making to effort to move. "Youngdae, do you still talk to your mother?" It was a random question which etched a crease in between his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I do." His deep voice answered.

Lisa then sat down, comfortably, with her leaning backwards and manspreading. "Tell her, kid. Tell your mom to stop sending me letters, yeah? She keeps writing how much she wants me, especially in bed. I already have enough on my hands, so do me a favour, yeah?" The Thai knew she was playing with fire, but she couldn't help grinning in front of the boy. Of course, everything that left her mouth was completely nonsense. His face had dropped to a more serious, stoned expression and Lisa was sure she could possibly be murdered in her plan's process.

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