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After far too many drinks and too little food, Fallon and Shaun find themselves back in his apartment, or rather, garage, lips locked and clothes being thrown everywhere. Her legs are wrapped around his torso while his strong arms hold up her body like it's nothing. They end up in his bed where the rest of their clothes disappear, the air filling with moans as their bodies intertwine.

It's far from the first time they've hooked up, and yet each time seems to get better and better.

But it's just that... a hookup, nothing more.

Their agreement came after Fallon's birthday the year prior. They had gotten absolutely wasted, and joked about fucking. While Katy thought they were joking, neither of them was. Both were absolutely serious and followed through. And after that night with lots of painkillers, the conversation struck where they went over the ground rules of their newly formed dynamic.

They can absolutely go out with other people, but if anything got serious, they'd stop entirely.

They don't tell anyone, nobody knows, not even Katy.

And more importantly... no strings attached. No feelings, just sexy.

Both Fallon and Shaun are undeniably attractive, and clearly see each other in a less-than-platonic light, but a relationship would be too messy. This is much better, and so much easier.

Soon enough, Fallon falls asleep once both have achieved orgasms, leaving Shaun to stare up at the ceiling while she sleeps by his side. His mind wanders as his heart flutters, cursing himself for he's broken one of the ground rules.

He has feelings.

He tried to shake them off and pretend like they don't exist... but he can't do that anymore. He fell... and he fell hard. He doesn't know what it was, he doesn't even know how to explain it. One day... everything just changed. He saw her differently. His heart started doing backflips whenever he saw her. He found himself going to pay her a visit while she was at work to ask her some stupid question about cars that he could easily look up online, or specifically going to the bar she works at whenever she got stuck working the late shift.

Even now, Shaun's heart beats like a rocket, not because of that mindblowing sex, but just because of her. Everything about her makes him want to giggle like a little girl and twirl his hair, even if her face hardly ever changes and she doesn't allow anyone to get close to her heart.

He knows it's something she got from her mom, but it's not exactly something she's open to talking about. He, too, knows what it's like to receive certain traits from a parent you'd rather not talk about.

They both have their secrets, but neither knows that the other is hiding anything. Shaun knows the basics of Fallon's life, yet she knows a lot more about him. He's started opening up more and more the harder he falls.

He feels so stupid sometimes. How easily he'd give up his entire life story is she just asked.

But he knows better. He knows that he has to keep certain secrets in order to keep her safe. He'd do anything for her... even if that means continuing to lie.

 even if that means continuing to lie

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