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Fallon wakes up from her drunken sleep with a massive headache, groaning as she grabs some painkillers from the bathroom cabinet. Her eyes glance over at the clock to see that she still has a few hours before work, so she decides to make herself a cup of coffee and then collect her mail from the box in the lobby.


Bills are due.

Fallon sits down on her couch as she tears open all the envelopes to see what she owes, and then takes into account her monthly paycheck, which only confirms something she's known for a while.

She can't afford this apartment and has never been able to. She refuses to give it up, but she barely makes enough to keep it.

And no matter how many times Shaun or Katy offers to take her in or help her out, she refuses. She's either too proud or too stubborn or both.

This apartment means far too much to her, and she's lucky she even has it to begin with. The landlord was about ready to give it to another tenant before she made her case. Almost all of her money goes to this place, leaving her only a handful of cash to get by in this crazy world.

She grumpily sips her coffee, sighing as she reads over all of the bills and the credit card statements. Her credit score keeps getting lower and lower with each credit card she maxes out. Fallon tosses the papers to the side and falls back on the couch. Her eyes tightly shut as she feels the headache coming back, despite the immense amount of painkillers.

And as her eyes remain closed, the only thing her mind decides to show her is her mom, and the memories she has of her in this very apartment.

But as her cheeks begin to feel wet, she snaps out of it, springing up and wiping the tears away as if they were never there.

A knock on the door grabs her attention, and so she gets up from the couch and takes a deep breath before opening it up to reveal a stranger standing out in the hall.

" Can I help you?" Fallon asks the two men.

One of them looks down at her neck, then back up at her unamused face before his head turns to his partner.

" Zhǎodào xiàng liàn."

But little do they know that Fallon speaks the very language they do.

" Necklace? What necklace?" She questions.

Only to be ignored as the two men barge into her apartment.

" Hey!" Fallon shouts as she gets shoved against a wall.

Her instincts take over. She grabs a vase and throws it at one of their backs. The shards of glass break all over the floor just as Fallon lifts her leg and kicks his shoulder to send him down to the floor.

The other man approaches, trying to use his fists against her, but she dodges his attacks with ease, then drops down to the floor and sweeps his legs with hers.

The other man approaches, trying to use his fists against her, but she dodges his attacks with ease, then drops down to the floor and sweeps his legs with hers

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