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Soon enough, the trio arrives in Macau, the city filled with lights, the Vegas of the Eastern world. They take a cab through the giant and bright city to the address on the postcard Shang received from his sister. Katy stares out the window in amazement, for it's her first time in China and seeing a big city like this, while Shaun stares out the window with wandering thoughts, leaving Fallon sitting uncomfortably in the middle and keeping her eyes on the meter going up by the second.

But the cab keeps going, it leaves the big pretty city and enters the outskirts. The old, rundown, and crummy outskirts, and pulls up to a building with bamboo scaffolding. The three of them pay the fair and exit the car, staring up at the building to confirm the address before walking inside and hopping on the elevator, where they're met with a middle management guy with neck tattoos and an iPad.

" Zài zhèlǐ qiānmíng ( Sign here )" The man says as he holds out an apple pen to Shang, who takes it and signs the electronic document.

" Wǒ zài zhǎo wǒ mèimèi, Xú Xiàlíng ( I'm looking for my sister, Xu Xialing )" Shaun adds, " nǐ tīngshuō guò tā mǎ? ( Have you heard of her? ) " but the man just turns around and ignores him, " zhè shì tā gěi wǒ de dìzhǐ ( This is the address she gave me )"

Only to be met with more silence.

" He seems like a nice fella," Katy comments with a grin.

" Are we looking at the same guy?" Fallon questions, arms crossed as she leans against the wall of the dingy elevator.

" And this elevator is definitely up to code. There's absolutely no chance of it falling off the side of the building," Katy continues with her nervous ramble.

Her words are halted by the elevator arriving at the desired floor and coming to a rumbling stop, the door is pushed open and reveals a guy with pink hair, who seems super excited to see Shaun.

" Bus boy!" He exclaims as he pulls up the video on his phone, " Sān tiān nèi liǎngbǎiwàn cì guānkàn, xiōngdì!( Two million views in three days, bro! )"

" Bro?" Fallon questions as the pink-haired man turns to Katy.

" Nǐ shì sījī ( And you're the driver )" He gasps.

" Oh, uh, my Chinese sucks," Katy awkwardly smiles after not understanding anything he just said.

" All good, I speak ABC," The man states with a smile, then leads the three of them further into the club, " I'm Jon Jon. Welcome to the Golden Daggers Club," he sighs, " Okay, let's get you ready to fight."

" Wait, what?" Shaun asks as they walk further and further into the club

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" Wait, what?" Shaun asks as they walk further and further into the club.

" We're a multi-platform global operation," Jon Jon explains, " Every fight live streamed on the dark web. Thousands of viewers placing bets as we speak. This is gonna take your brand to a whole new level."

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