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They ride to the compound in complete silence. No one utters a single word, allowing for the racing helicopter blades to be the only sound in their ears. They step out one at a time to see the gray military compound with their own eyes, familiar to Shaun and Xialing, but completely foreign to Katy, who makes it her mission to stay by Fallon's side.

Shaun gets paired up with his father while the girls get sent to Xialing's old bedroom, locked away to be dealt with at a later time.

" I've seen some really scary stuff this week, but your dad's on like, a whole nother level," Katy comments, being the one to break the ice, " Is he gonna kill us?"

" Just nod, don't talk. He'll forget you're there," Xialing states as she sits on her desk, " That's how I survived."

" Sounds like a wonderful father," Fallon sarcastically comments as she crosses her arms and leans against the nearest wall.

" Did he always treat you like that?" Katy asks.

" Only after my mom died," Xialing responds, " He said he couldn't look at me because I reminded him of her... I wasn't allowed to train with the boys, but I watched everything they did and taught myself to do it better."

" When did you leave?" Katy ponders.

" I ran away when I was 16. As soon as I knew my brother wasn't coming back."

" You started an underground fight ring in Macau when you were 16 years old?"

" If my dad won't let me into his empire, I'm gonna build my own."

Her words give Fallon just the slightest smile on her lips as she admires the strong will of the woman standing before her.

Shaun is having his walk down memory lane when he comes across the wooden beam he used to train with. He lodges his fist into the hole, seeing just how much time has passed since then.

They are soon sitting at a dinner table and eating homemade food prepared for them within the compound, sitting silently yet keeping their eyes peeled. Fallon and Shaun sit across from one another, occasionally locking eyes, but never opening their mouths to speak.

" How did you find me?" He eventually asks.

" I always know where my children are," His father responds, " I gave you 10 years to live your life, and where did it get you? Now it's time for you to take your place by my side."

" That's not gonna happen," Shaun calmly states.

But his father smiles as he locks eyes with his son, then looks over at Katy as she bites into an almond cookie.

" American girl," He calls out.

" Her name is Katy," Shaun corrects.

" What is your Chinese name?"

" What is your Chinese name?"

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