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Fortunately, Shaun recovers from the foot to the face fairly quickly and is ushered into the locker room where he gets changed back into his shirt and jacket and shoes. He's brought to a back office where he brings a tissue up to his nose for the blood as Fallon rushes in and frantically grabs his face.

" Are you okay?" She questions as she sees the dried blood under his nose.

" Yeah, yeah, Fal, I'm okay," He confirms.

But his words make her step back and remove her hands from his face, feeling herself inwardly retracting from the use of a nickname she hasn't heard since she was just a child. In his defense, it just slipped out, but still feels an immense amount of guilt upon seeing her expression, which quickly changes as Katy walks into the office with a large amount of cash in hand.

" Where'd you get all that money?" Shaun asks, making her stop in her tracks, " Did you bet against me?"

" No," Katy states very unconvincingly as she shoves the cash into her fanny pack, then turns to his sister, " Hi Xialing, I'm Katy. That's Fallon, she probably didn't introduce herself, she's kinda grumpy," she points over to the woman crossing her arms, " You're like, such a badass. Everything that you do is like, so cool."

" I like your pants," Xialing compliments as the American takes a seat, but Shaun only rolls his eyes, " What do you want?"

" The Ten Rings ambushed us in San Francisco," Shaun sighs as he leans forward.

" I saw the video."

" They took my pendant. They're gonna come for yours next."

Which makes Xialing instinctively grab onto hers, a subtly cue that's very easy to miss. Katy simply interoperates this as it's an important necklace, but Fallon sees a deeper meaning. She sees strong emotions attached to the necklace, perhaps it was given to them by their mother, and perhaps their father wants them because they're more than just a piece of jewelry.

" I don't know what he wants with them, but we both know it can't be good," Shaun continues.

" You know what he said to me when he left?" Xialing asks with a slight smile as she looks over to the other woman, " I'll be back in three days. And after three days, I went to our mom's shrine and waited. Three days turned into a week, a week turned into a month, and a month turned into six years. That's how long it took me to realize I didn't need him anymore. I built this place on my own. I didn't need you then, I don't need you now."

" Then why would you send me a postcard?"

But before Xialing can respond, someone else does.

" She didn't send it," Fallon states as her eyes flicker between the siblings.

And her suspicions are proven to be true as an explosion rakes through the building and people start screaming. The alarms blare, and everyone starts to panic.

" Is there a back exit?" Shaun asks.

But he's too late, for Xialing and Jon Jon are already escaping through a secret elevator. They all look over to where the center ring is set and watch as dozens of assassins appear with light blue tasers in hand, and then find the man they fought at the bus standing right in front of them.

" Razor hand guy?" Fallon asks

" Razor hand guy," Katy confirms, " What do we do?"

Fallon's head turns to the windows where she sees the bamboo scaffolding, then to a seemingly heavy statue, of which she grabs and chucks at the window to break the glass and give them an exit.

" We climb down," She states, " Katy, you first."

" Hell no, I'm not doing this!" Katy exclaims.

" We can take the elevator on the next floor," Shaun adds as he steps onto the scaffolding and holds out his hand, " Katy, we're out of options, we have to go now."

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