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" So, um, I'm pretty confused right now, because, uh, initially I thought your dad should definitely see a therapist for his delusions, but then that dragon vomited a magical water map, and now I have no idea what's real."

Katy sits on the ground with her back against the stone wall whilst contemplating absolutely everything she's ever thought to be true. Fallon stands with one leg propped against the door, arms crossed as she stares down at the dusty floor.

" Is what he said about your mom's village true?" She asks without lifting up her eyes from the floor.

And Shaun sighs before he answers.


" She used to tell us stories about Ta Lo when we were kids," He starts, "A village in another dimension full of magical creatures. I thought it was just a fairy tale."

"What if Dad's right?" Xialing interrupts.

" About Mom being locked behind a gate by her own people?" Shaun asks.

" Crazier things have turned out to be true," She shrugs.

"Look,  I don't know what the hell is going on, but if we don't find a way to  get to Ta Lo before him, he's gonna destroy everything that's left of  our family," He states.

"This family was destroyed a long time ago."

There's a moment of silence between the four of them, each contemplating in their own way. The two siblings still have the tension between them from their messed up childhood, while Fallon is trying to wrap her head around the fact that the exact same fairytales her mother told her are true.

But in a world where monsters walk down the streets and aliens can appear through portals... is it really that surprising.

Their thoughts are then broken by the sound of a muffled voice further down in the cell.

Fallon, Shaun, and Xialing instantly stand up straight, they keep their eyes peeled as they cautiously walk towards the noise, despite Katy thinking they're crazy, for this is exactly how horror movies go, but she just ends up clinging to Fallon.

They come across a dingy metal door that seems to be harboring a mangey beast, only to find a man in what seems like his dressing room.

They come across a dingy metal door that seems to be harboring a mangey beast, only to find a man in what seems like his dressing room

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"Wake Duncan with thy knocking. Oh, I would'st though could'st. My deed 'twere best not..." The man stops once he sees them in the mirror, then turns to face them, "Oh, hello, loves. What year is it?"

"Who are you?" Katy asks.

" Trevor? Slattery?" The man says, though sounding unsure of himself, "The actor from Liverpool? Wait. Are you the governor's kids? I've been preparing a monologue for your homecoming dinner," Xialing, having had enough, decides to depart from the conversation entirely, "Oh. Where's she going?"

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