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Fallon's life has been a constant struggle between what was expected of her and what she wants. She was trained to follow in her family's footsteps, to continue the dynasty. She chose to leave it... and where did she end up?

Straight back into it.

Straight back into the fight.

She was trained in the art of spycraft and martial arts but never wanted to use it... and now she is.

Fallon kicks a rock as she grunts in frustration. She takes a seat on the grass, far far away from all the others within the village as she stares down at the water in the beautiful moonlight.

" I'm sorry, Mom... I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have left things the way I did... I-I shouldn't have yelled."

She swallows a sob as the stream of tears escapes her eyes and falls down her face.

" I wanna take it back... I wanna take it all back. I wanna tell you I'm sorry and make up for everything... I... I'm sorry."

Fallon and Melinda were not on the best of terms when they last spoke. Fallon wanted to rebel, and Melinda only wanted what was best for her daughter, but a mission that went wrong left their relationship incomplete, forever unmended.

It's been eating away at Fallon for so long. She's become so much more closed off than she used to be... and as a result, has pushed away the one person she's grown real feelings for.


But then, as the sun comes back up... the wielder of the Ten Rings crosses through the portal, and the battle begins. The entire village of Ta Lo is armed and ready to fight. Fallon and Katy are suited up, as well as Xialing and Shaun. All are ready to protect the village against the Ten Rings... even if it means losing a few of their own along the way.

Wen Wu is relentless. He fights with all his might, for he truly believes that his actions are honorable. He's a man who only wishes to save his wife, to save the love of his life... but he only ends up releasing a great danger.

With a deafening crack, the weakened Gate shudders and groans as the Dweller-in-Darkness rips through it, emerging from the inky void beyond

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With a deafening crack, the weakened Gate shudders and groans as the Dweller-in-Darkness rips through it, emerging from the inky void beyond. Its presence fills the air with a palpable sense of dread, as though the very fabric of reality is warping and twisting around it.

Shaun stands firm, his fists clenched and his eyes narrowed as he faces the monstrous entity. He knows that his skills will be put to the ultimate test, for the Dweller-in-Darkness is a foe unlike any he has faced before.

But just as the creature lunges forward, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare him, a figure appears out of nowhere. It is Wenwu, his father, and he has come to Shaun's aid.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, Wenwu engages the Dweller-in-Darkness in a desperate battle. The clash of steel and the roar of otherworldly energies fill the air, as the two titans wage a war that could shake the very foundations of creation.

In the end, it is Wenwu who emerges victorious, but at a terrible cost. As he lies dying, he bequeaths his rings to Shaun passing on the legacy of his family's power and honor.

The creature is defeated, and killed by the teamwork of the foreigners, who rejoice as they group together, celebrating their victory and achievement.

Fallon and Shaun fall into each other's arms, feeling the warm embrace on their skin that makes their heart flutters. They pull back to look into their eyes when everything suddenly becomes all too real. The feelings they've harbored for so long surface as their eyes confirm it all.

But this time, they don't pull away.

Shaun pulls her forward into a kiss, where their lips meet, and dance together, for the first time as something possibly more than friends.

The trio eventually makes their way back to San Francisco, where Fallon and Shaun step off the plane not as 'just friends', but 'boyfriend and girlfriend', despite how much Fallon cringes at the terms. They end up back at the bar and recount all of the crazy events to their friends, who just look at them as if they're crazy.

And as if things couldn't get weirder, the Sorcerer Supreme appears through a portal and beckons the trio to come with him. They step through the portal to the ancient temple, where Wong tells them the truth and the dangers of the rings, as two figures appear on the hologram.

Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers.

Wong greets them with a respectful bow, introducing Shaun, Fallon, and Katy with a flourish. And as they settle in for an intense session of research and exploration, they discover a startling truth.

The rings, it seems, are acting as a beacon - drawing the attention of something far beyond the realm of mortal understanding. Something that has the power to shake the very foundations of the universe itself.

Their hearts are heavy with the weight of this knowledge, they vow to redouble their efforts, to uncover the true nature of this mysterious force, and to prepare themselves for the ultimate battle that is yet to come.

For they know that the fate of the world rests in their hands, and that only through the power of their will and the strength of their resolve can they hope to emerge victorious in the face of such unimaginable danger.

For they know that the fate of the world rests in their hands, and that only through the power of their will and the strength of their resolve can they hope to emerge victorious in the face of such unimaginable danger

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