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The drive through Ta Lo is absolutely beautiful. Everything around them is stunning, everything is breathtaking.

The entire village seems to be full of peace and harmony, and they welcome the strangers with open arms, and no one is happier to see them than Ying Nan, sister to Ying Li.

" Our people have been here for over 4,000 years, preparing for something we hope will never happen. We are the keepers of the Dark Gate, sworn to protect this realm and yours from the evil that's locked behind it."

" Our dad is coming here to open that gate," Shaun says, as they all stand at the water's edge, " He thinks you're holding our mom there."

" Why would he think that?" Nan asks.

" She told him," Xialing responds, " He says he can hear her asking for help."

" Is he wearing the rings?"

" He hasn't taken them off since she died," Shaun adds, " What do they have to do with all this?"

His aunt sighs before she tells them a little story and shows them the temples of their history.

" The realm of Ta Lo stretches far beyond the shores of our small village. We have cities that surpass any in your universe, rich with culture and history. Thousands of years ago, all of our people lived in peace and prosperity, until the attack of the Dweller-in-Darkness. He came with his army, devouring every soul in their path, and with each kill, they grew stronger. After decimating our largest cities, they were headed to your universe to do the same. The leaders of Ta Lo sent their strongest warriors here to stop them from reaching the portal to your world. But our ancestors were no match for them.  Until The Great Protector joined their fight and turned the tide. Together, they pushed the Dweller and his army into the Dark Gate and locked it behind them. Our people have guarded that gate ever since, empowered by the magic of The Great Protector and the gift that she gave us."

Nan then leads them to the armory where a weapon is powered up, showing the beautiful glowing magic to the travelers from the outside world, showing how their magic is something that must be protected and hidden. Their weapons and armor are made of dragon scales, which give them the magic to protect and defend themselves.

 Their weapons and armor are made of dragon scales, which give them the magic to protect and defend themselves

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Soon, they disperse. Nan takes Shaun to their training center, where they spar and show off their talents, but she sees the big difference between Shaun and his mother.

Shaun attacks with a fist, while Yi attacked with an open hand.

Shaun knows that his mother was the only person who could beat his father, so relies on his aunt to teach him the way. Nan shows him that it's possible to win a fight not with your fists, but with your heart. It goes against absolutely everything he was taught, and so poses a bit of a learning curve.

" Don't focus on your anger," Nan corrects, " Focus on your love."

Her words ring within his mind, instantly going to Fallon. He thinks about her, he pictures her in his mind.

Love is an unstoppable force, an unbreakable bond that surpasses all obstacles. It's a strength that conquers all, a power that can move mountains and defy the odds. It's a feeling that fills our hearts with warmth and light and gives us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way. Love gives us the strength to keep going, to keep fighting, even when the world seems against us. It's a force that inspires us to be better, to do better, and to love better. Love is the ultimate strength, the glue that holds us together, and the light that guides us through the darkness.

Shaun is forced to relive the pain and suffering of losing his mother, and it becomes too much. At the end of the day, he sits all by himself at the water's edge, up until Fallon decides to join him.

" I'm not who you think I am," He sighs

You already apologized for that--," Fallon starts,

" That's not what I'm talking about. When my dad sent me to find the man who killed my mom... I told you I couldn't go through with it. I lied. I thought that I could change my name, start a new life, pretend like it never happened. But... she would hate the person I've become."

" Your dad trained you to be an assassin when you were seven. He sent you on a hit at 14. You realize how messed up that is, right?"

" My mom is dead because of him," Shaun utters, "And now he's coming to destroy her home. Xuèzhài yào xuè hái ( A blood debt has to be paid by blood)"

" Shaun..." Fallon trails.

" I'm gonna do what he trained me to do. I'm gonna kill him," He states.

" Shaun!"

Fallon grabs his arm before he can leave and pulls him back down on the ground.

" Don't do this to yourself... don't try to get revenge by killing your own dad. Don't destroy what little family you have left!" She shouts as the tears begin to well up, " I know what it's like to lose your mom, believe me... but I don't have a dad anymore... I don't have anyone. I was an only child to two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Both of my parents are dead, and I don't have anyone left!"

" Fallon... that's not true," Shaun says softly, " You have Katy... you have me."

But she only scoffs.

" Yeah... I have you," She murmurs, looking him dead in the eyes as her heart flutters, " But we're just friends... right?"

" Yeah... just friends."

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