Episode 4: Undead Firepower

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"Part 2 of day 3, we've got a new teammate, but unfortunately one of my teammates had just been killed by the Jyamatos. It really is a life or death game. So far, I'm still alive, don't know when I'll meet death itself, but I'm definitely going to lose around day 6 whether by the Jyamatos or quitting. I'm still going strong enough to get through, just not how long can I last here."

Victor had just done writing his diary, It's still midday, he and his team are on top of the building after the death of one of their teammates

Marnie was curled up in a ball while Gloria was trying to comfort her. Hop was sitting on the floor and looking down while Victor was looking at the abandoned city

Gloria: Hey, it's going to be alright

Marnie: How is it alright after Bea was killed!?

Gloria: Maybe that's the price of playing in a game where your wish can be granted

Marnie: If so... Why didn't they at least make the players go back to their home?!

Gloria: Maybe she did, but no-one knows

Hop: Can't believe I have to see another player's death

Victor: This wasn't your first time?

Hop: No, it was the first day that I saw my first

Victor: How'd they die?

Hop: I have no idea, it was some rules they broke or something. I don't know what the rule was

Victor: I would want to know what was the rule, and how did they break it on the first day

Hop: I want to know as well

Marnie: Gloria...

Gloria: What is it?

Marnie: I... I've been bitten by the Jyamatos earlier

That then got the attention of the two boys who overheard the conversation

Hop: You what?

Marnie: Look

She pulled down her sleeve to show bite marks on her arm

Gloria: No way...

Marnie: I... I don't want to play this game anymore! I just want to call quit!

Then, her phone started buzzing and she took it out. It was a call from the Game Master and she picked up the call

Marnie: Game Master?

Game Master: Letter, do you wish to drop out of the game?

Marnie: Yes, I want to quit

Game Master: If you do, you'll lose and won't get your wish granted

Marnie: I don't care if I lose! All I could care right now is to go back to my normal life!

Game Master: Very well, after you leave, your memories of the Desire Grand Prix 2 will be erased and you can go on to live your normal life like nothing has happened

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