Episode 7: New disagreement

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It is now day 5 of Desire Grand Prix 2 the game. It's morning outside and the day finally starts. Until, a loud snoring was heard

Back into the bedroom of the team's room

Victor woke up to hear a loud snoring that feels like shaking the room

He turned his head to see Hop with a snot bubble while he's sleeping that made the loud snoring

Victor sit up after not taking it anymore

Victor: Hop why are you sleeping here!?

The snoring also woke up Gloria who's sleeping on the bed too

Gloria: What's going on...?

Victor: Hey! Your snoring is too goddamn loud!

The snot bubble popped and Hop woke up

Hop: Huh- Wha- What?

Victor: You were snoring too loud

Gloria: Why were you sleeping here anyway?

Hop: Oh, I got kicked out of the couch by Bede

Gloria: Huh?

Hop: Well apparently he doesn't want to sleep on the floor so he woke me up got me out of the couch, and slept there

Victor: Well that's one asshole

Hop: So anyways, I'm now fine, I'm no longer sick

Gloria: Well that's great

Hop: Then let's go be ready for today's game


<<The Opening>>

Episode 7: New disagreement

"This is an early start of day 5, currently I'm still alive, only two more days until the last day of Desire Grand Prix 2. I wasn't expecting myself to be still be going, I'm guessing this is what fighting for my wish is. So anyways, I'll have my hopes down because I don't know when my luck ran out and I'll be eliminated, don't know but I'll be aware of my surroundings."

Victor was done typing his diary of the game to know his progress of the game

Gloria: Are you done?

Victor: Yeah I'm done with the diary

Hop: Why are you always writing your diary everyday?

Victor: So that I can track my progress during the game

Bede: That'll be pointless since if you die, you'll be dead forever. Or if you quit, your memories will be erased about the game

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